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Objectron Dataset

Objectron is a dataset of short object centeric video clips with pose annotations.

<img src="docs/images/objectron_samples.gif" width="600px">
<p align="center"> <a href="https://www.objectron.dev">Website</a> • <a href="#key-features">Dataset Format</a> • <a href="#examples">Examples</a> • <a href="#license">License</a> </p> </div>

The Objectron dataset is a collection of short, object-centric video clips, which are accompanied by AR session metadata that includes camera poses, sparse point-clouds and characterization of the planar surfaces in the surrounding environment. In each video, the camera moves around the object, capturing it from different angles. The data also contain manually annotated 3D bounding boxes for each object, which describe the object’s position, orientation, and dimensions. The dataset consists of 15K annotated video clips supplemented with over 4M annotated images in the following categories: bikes, books, bottles, cameras, cereal boxes, chairs, cups, laptops, and shoes. In addition, to ensure geo-diversity, our dataset is collected from 10 countries across five continents.

Key Features

Dataset Format

The data is stored in the objectron bucket on Google Cloud storage. Check out the Downoad Data notebook for a quick review of how to download/access the dataset. The following assets are available:

Raw dataset size is 1.9TB (including videos and their annotations). Total dataset size is 4.4TB (including videos, records, sequences, etc.). This repository provides the required schemas and tools to parse the dataset.




Objectron is released under Computational Use of Data Agreement 1.0 (C-UDA-1.0). A copy of the license is available in this repository.

This is not an officially supported Google product. If you have any question, you can email us at objectron@google.com or join our mailing list at objectron@googlegroups.com