

AndroidEnv - The Android Learning Environment

<img align="right" src="docs/images/device_control.gif" width="160" height="240">

AndroidEnv is a Python library that exposes an Android device as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) environment. The library provides a flexible platform for defining custom tasks on top of the Android Operating System, including any Android application. Agents interact with the device through a universal action interface - the touchscreen - by sending localized touch and lift events to the system. The library processes these events and returns pixel observations and rewards as provided by specific task definitions. For example, rewards might be given for events such as successfully scrolling down a page, sending an email, or achieving some score in a game, depending on the research purpose and how the user configures the task.

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Environment features

There are a number of aspects that make AndroidEnv a challenging yet suitable environment for Reinforcement Learning research:

Getting started


The easiest way to get AndroidEnv is with pip:

$ python3 -m pip install android-env

Please note that /examples are not included in this package.

Alternatively, you can clone the repository from git's main branch:

$ git clone https://github.com/deepmind/android_env/
$ cd android_env
$ python3 setup.py install

Update: the environment now runs on Windows, but please keep in mind that this option is not well-maintained or widely supported, as Unix-based systems are the primary target platforms of this project.

Create a simulator

Before running the environment, you will need access to an emulated Android device. For instructions on creating a virtual Android device, see the Emulator guide.

Define a task

Then, you will want to define what the agent's task is. At this point, the agent will be able to communicate with the emulated device, but it will not yet have an objective, or access to signals such as rewards or RL episode ends. Learn how to define an RL task of your own, or use one of the existing task definitions for training.

Load and run

To find out how to run and train agents on AndroidEnv, see these detailed instructions. Here you can also find example scripts demonstrating how to run a random agent, an acme agent, or a human agent on AndroidEnv.


This library is developed and maintained by DeepMind.
You can find the technical report on Arxiv, as well as an introductory blog post on DeepMind's website.

If you use AndroidEnv in your research, you can cite the paper using the following BibTeX:

  title     = {{AndroidEnv}: A Reinforcement Learning Platform for Android},
  author    = {Daniel Toyama and Philippe Hamel and Anita Gergely and
               Gheorghe Comanici and Amelia Glaese and Zafarali Ahmed and Tyler
               Jackson and Shibl Mourad and Doina Precup},
  year      = {2021},
  eprint    = {2105.13231},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  primaryClass = {cs.LG},
  volume    = {abs/2105.13231},
  url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.13231},

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