


gonectr is a command-line tool tailored for creating and managing Gone projects. It provides functionality for generating code, compiling, and running Gone projects efficiently.


To install gonectr, run the following command:

go install github.com/gone-io/gonectr@latest

This will install gonectr into your $GOPATH/bin directory. Make sure $GOPATH/bin is included in your $PATH to use gonectr globally.


1. Create a New Gone Project

You can create a new Gone project using:

gonectr create my-gone-project

This initializes a new Gone project directory named my-gone-project.

2. Generate Helper Code for Gone Project

Helper code files generated by gonectr typically end with .gone.go. It’s recommended to add *.gone.go to your .gitignore file to avoid versioning these generated files.

To generate helper code and learn more about its usage, run:

gonectr generate -h

3. Generate Priest Function Code

This command generates Priest function code, a feature adapted from gone tools.

To learn more, run:

gonectr priest -h

4. Generate Mock Code for Interfaces

This command generates mock code for interfaces, which is useful for testing. It requires the mockgen tool. To install mockgen, run:

go install go.uber.org/mock/mockgen@latest

To learn more, run:

gonectr mock -h

5. Build a Gone Project

The build command first runs gonectr generate ... to create any necessary helper code, then builds the project using go build.

To learn more, run:

gonectr build -h

6. Run a Gone Project

The run command generates helper code (if needed) before running the project with go run.

To learn more, run:

gonectr run -h