


What is it?

Reladomo is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for Java with the following enterprise features:

What can I do with it?

Detailed feature list

Sample Project

To help getting started with Reladomo, a simple project is available with maven and gradle build set-up.

Prerequisite: install maven or gradle.

git clone https://github.com/goldmansachs/reladomo.git
cd samples/reladomo-sample-simple


mvn clean install


gradle clean build

Once build is successful, run src/main/java/sample/HelloReladomoApp to see how it behaves.


Documentation is available online and also included within the Reladomo Javadoc jar file. Extract the jar file and refer to the docs below.

ReferenceDescriptionFile Path
TutorialThis tutorial demonstrates the necessary steps to get your Reladomo project started.userguide/ReladomoTutorial.html
FAQReladomo FAQmithrafaq/ReladomoFaq.html
Reladomo Test ResourceThis document explains the steps required to use Reladomo objects in unit tests.mithraTestResource/ReladomoTestResource.html
Reladomo NotificationWhen you have multiple JVMs connecting to a DB via Reladomo, you need to keep each JVM up-to-date with changes made by any of the other JVMs. Reladomo Notification is the primary mechanism for achieving this and keeping each JVMs Reladomo cache fresh.notification/Notification.html
Reladomo Primary Key GeneratorPrimary key generator is an optional feature in Reladomo that allows Reladomo objects to declare how the primary key is going to be generated.primaryKeyGenerator/PrimaryKeyGenerator.html
Reladomo Database Definition GeneratorsDatabase definition language (DDL) file generation is an optional feature in Reladomo that allows users to generate scripts to create tables, indices and foreign keys from the Reladomo object definition XML files.mithraddl/ReladomoDdlGenerator.html
Reladomo Object XML GeneratorTo expedite the creation of object XML files from existing schema, an object XML file generator has been created. It connects directly to a database, retrieving a list of the existing tables and generating object XML files that appropriately map to these tables.objectxmlgenerator/Generator.html
Visualize Domain Model Using Reladomo MetadataWhen a persistent set of objects is specified in Reladomo metadata, the objects can be visualized. The output can be used as documentation, or simply browsed through to gain understanding of the domain.visualization/ReladomoVisualization.html
Reladomo ArchitectureReladomo internal architecture.architecture/ReladomoInternalArchitecture.html
PresentationsReladomo presentation materials.presentations

Acquiring Reladomo
