

egui_ratatui : egui widget + ratatui backend (WASM)

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See Bevy and Macroquad folders for game engine examples

Web Demo : https://gold-silver-copper.github.io/ (works best on firefox)

See also: https://ratatui.rs/ https://github.com/emilk/egui

RataguiBackend is the name of the backend/widget in code

cargo add egui_ratatui

git clone https://github.com/gold-silver-copper/egui_ratatui.git

cd egui_ratatui

cd bevy_example

cargo run

This repo provides the Ratagui Backend, which is also a Widget for egui. So you can have a whole ratatui terminal inside of egui. Also since egui is so WASM compatible, this means we can use this to compile ratatui to WASM !

If you would like more information about compiling to WASM please consult the relevant EGUI backend documentation:

Bevy: https://bevy-cheatbook.github.io/platforms/wasm.html

Macroquad: https://macroquad.rs/articles/wasm/

eframe: https://github.com/emilk/eframe_template

Previously this repo was called 'ratatatui_egui_wasm' and the crate was called 'ratframe' , I decided to rename it to egui_ratatui for clarity and discoverability , please see the PRE-RENAME branch for the last version of ratframe.

Warning: seems theres currently a weird bug with high DPI displays that can break the render a bit. This bug is also pushing me to remove the internal use of the Label widget for wrapping the text layout. Will do that soon enough.