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IMPORTANT: This is v1 of the GoKi system, which is maintained here for existing dependencies, but new development is taking place at https://github.com/cogentcore

GoGi is part of the GoKi Go language (golang) full strength tree structure system (ki = 木 = tree in Japanese)

package gi is a scenegraph-based 2D and 3D GUI / graphics interface (Gi) in Go, that functions similar to HTML / CSS / SVG and Qt.

NOTE: Requires Go version 1.18+ -- now using the new generics.

See the Wiki for more docs (increasingly extensive), Install instructions (mostly basic go build procedure, but does now depend on cgo on all platforms due to glfw, so see details for each platform -- for mac you must now install the Vulkan SDK, and Google Groups goki-gi email list, and the new github Discussions tool.

GoGi uses the GoKi tree infrastructure to implement a scenegraph-based GUI framework in full native idiomatic Go, with minimal OS-specific backend interfaces based originally on the Shiny drivers, now using go-gl/glfw and vulkan-based vgpu, and supporting MacOS, Linux, and Windows.

The overall design integrates existing standards and conventions from widely-used frameworks, including Qt (overall widget design), HTML / CSS (styling), and SVG (rendering). The core Layout object automates most of the complexity associated with GUI construction (including scrolling), so the programmer mainly just needs to add the elements, and set their style properties -- similar to HTML. The main 2D framework also integrates with a 3D scenegraph, supporting interesting combinations of these frameworks (see gi3d package and examples/gi3d). Currently GoGi is focused on desktop systems, but nothing should prevent adaptation to mobile.

See Gide for a complete, complex application written in GoGi (an IDE), and likewise the Emergent neural network simulation environment (the prime motivator for the whole project), along with the various examples in this repository for lots of useful demonstrations -- start with the Widgets example which has a bit of a tutorial introduction.

Main Features

Screenshot of Widgets demo

Screenshot of Gi3D demo

Screenshot of GiEditor, Dark mode

Code Overview

There are three main types of 2D nodes:

General Widget method conventions:

The best way to see how the system works are in the examples directory, and by interactively modifying any existing gui using the interactive reflective editor via Control+Alt+I.


The oswin and oswin/driver/vkos packages provide interface abstractions for hardware-level implementations, now using vgpu and glfw (version 3.3) provides the basic platform-specific details along with a few other bits of platform-specific code.

All of the main "front end" code just deals with image.RGBA through the girl rendering library, using girl.Paint methods, which was adapted from fogleman/gg, and we use srwiley/rasterx for CPU-based rasterization to the image, which is fast and SVG performant. The vgpu/vdraw package performs optimized GPU texture-based compositing to assemble the final display in a way that minimizes the copying of image data up to the GPU, and supports overlays such as popups and sprites. Any 3D scene elements are accessed directly within the GPU.

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