

Budget Visualization Framework

Our 2017 WordPress plugin is available here: https://github.com/goinvo/visualbudget

screenshot Open-source budget visualization framework.



Clone this repository to your local machine and point your webserver root to src/httpdocs, the application should work out of the box, this repository contains some sample data that can be used for testing.

Localized Variables

Set the variables in the localized_variables.php file to your municipality's information. These are global variables used throughout the Visual Budget instance. The file can be found in /src/httpdocs/includes.



Report statical information about selected entry (src/httpdocs/js/cards.js).



Shows data change over time (src/httpdocs/js/chart.js).



Used as the main navigation component (src/httpdocs/js/treemap.js).



Alternative navigation technique to a treemap (src/httpdocs/js/tables.js).


Component Interface

Each component implements a common interface of 3 calls:

Directory Structure

Required Libraries

Sample Datasets

Sample Expenses.json, Revenues.json and Funds.json from Arlington, MA in src/httpdocs/data.

Budget data is kept in JSON and CSV format. The JSON format is actively used for computation while the CSV format is kept for reference and data download.

Data structure

The base data unit is an object with the following fields:

A simple value object is defined by:

This data structure could be changed should it be considered not ideal for future uses.

Data structure sample

The data sample below is partial section of src/httpdocs/data/funds.json.

         "key":"Tip Fee Stabilization Fund",
         "descr":"The Town of Arlington participated in a regional solid waste consortium, and upon leaving the consortium in September 2005, the Town was entitled to revenue derived from the regional agreement.",
         "key":"Override Stabilization Fund",
         "descr":"This Fund was created as a result of the 2005 Proposition 2 1/2 override. The Town makes annual appropriations to the fund until the time in which it is necessary to make withdrawals for the purposes of balancing the general fund budget.",
         "key":"Stabilization Fund",
         "descr":"In accordance with M.G.L. Ch. 40 S. 5B, the Town may appropriate in any year an amount not exceeding, in the aggregate, 10% of the amount raised in the preceding fiscal year's tax levy.",
   "descr":"All accounts which hold money from year to year. For more information, see the Glossary.",

Data pipeline

Town representatives are likely to be proficient in editing spreadsheets. The Visual Budget application currently uses a pipeline that converts CSV files (created with Microsoft Excel) to nested JSON files used for computation.

A python script src/httpdocs/data/processing/processCSV.py converts a flat CSV file into the nested JSON structure listed above. A php script src/httpdocs/data/processing/update.php orchestrates the entire data update procedure.

For more information about CSV data formats or update procedures check docs/data.

Future upgrades

Core Contributors

GoInvo (Design and Coding)

Town of Arlington (Data Collection and Testing)


Visual Town Budget is licensed under the Apache-2.0 open source license. You can find more information on the Apache-2.0 license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

For guidance integrating Visual Town Budget for your town, contact us at arlington-internal@goinvo.com.