

SOAP Client Example

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This is an example project on how to use the goetas-webservices/soap-client project.


Steps to use this demo project:

  1. clone this repo
  2. run composer install to get the dependencies
  3. run vendor/bin/soap-client -vvv generate config/config.yml src/Service/Container --dest-class=Service/Container/SoapContainer to generate all the required files
  4. run php bin/demo.php to see a working demo consuming http://www.dneonline.com/calculator.asmx?WSDL Calculator SOAP webservice
  5. enjoy SOAP again
  6. bonus: notice the code and type hinting by PhpStorm on $client and $result variable :)


Here an explanation of dependencies present in composer.json

Ignored files

Currently src/* and metadata/* are included in .gitignore, I recommend to remove the from the "ignore" file and to commit to your project the generated files by the command executed at step 3.