

Config Shield

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The mission behind this project is to provide a "safe" process from which to store properties sensitive in nature, in a manner that is both developer friendly as well as optimized for production use.

Making configuration changes

Install config-shield in your project:

  npm install config-shield --save

Startup the command-line interface from root of application:

  npm run config-shield
  : enter path of config (enter to use secure-config.json)>
  : enter path of private key> my.app.key
  set simple_property true
  set my-json-prop { "nested": { "values": [ 1, 2, 3 ] } }
  set null-prop null
  set evaluable-prop-as-string "null"
  set string-prop this will be stored as string if type cannot be determined
  set array-pop [ 1, 2, 3 ]
  set boolean-prop true
  set number-prop 5
  remove number-prop
  get my-json-prop
  : { "nested": { "values": [ 1, 2, 3 ] } }
  : changes saved

Optionally you may also install config-shield globally:

  npm install config-shield -g

Deploy your config

This step should be built into your CICD process, to clone the applicable environment config and copy secure-config.json over. Ideally these assets will be in a limited-access store to avoid unnecessary risk.

Do not under any circumstance store your production private keys within your project.

Loading config from your App

  var secureConfig = require('config-shield');
  // one-time load
    configPath: './secure-config.json', // not required if default
    privateKeyPath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/my.app.key'

  var myObj = secureConfig.getProp('my-json-prop');

Access your secure config from anywhere in your app:

  var secureConfig = require('config-shield');
  var myObj = secureConfig.getProp('my-json-prop');

Multiple configs? No problem:

  var secureConfig = require('config-shield');
    instance: 'my-other-config',
    configPath: './my-other-secure-config.json',
    privateKeyPath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/my.app.key'

  var myOtherSecureConfig = secureConfig.instance('my-other-config');
  var myObj = myOtherSecureConfig.getProp('my-prop');

Developer Environment

Optionally you may include your development private key within your project to keep things simple, but please do not do this for production environments as you'll be negating the value of this module. Only a limited few should have access to production private keys.


  var secureConfig = require('config-shield');

Rotating keys

In the case you have keys that must be rotated, you can use the convert with backup option. The process would require you to:

  1. Load config with old private key.
  2. Convert with new private key, setting backup to true.
  3. Deploy your config change.
  4. Rotate your private keys.
  5. Load config with new private key.
  6. Run dropBackup.
  7. Deploy your final config change.

In CLI, would look something like:

  enter path of config> secure-config.json
  enter path of private key> old.key
  > convert
  enter path of private key> new.key
  backup old values to enable key rotations? (enter to disable, or `true`)> true
  > save
  > exit

Deploy your change, then update your config one last time:

  enter path of config> secure-config.json
  enter path of private key> new.key
  > dropBackup
  > save
  > exit

Deploy the final config. If you skip the step of dropping the backup, your config will become vulnerable to attacks using the old private key, negating most of the value of rotating keys.


Possible future enhancements:
