

ES6 + AngularJS

This is a sample Angular 1.3 application that is structured using ES6 modules and adheres to the GoCardless Angular style guide.


Application Dependencies

All the dependencies required for the build system, testing and so on are managed with npm and defined in package.json. They can be installed with:

npm install

Running the Application

You can run npm start to fire up the application on http://localhost:3010.


You can use npm test to run JSHint, Karma Unit tests and our E2E tests.

Typically in development we run only unit tests. You can run these with Karma:

./node_modules/.bin/karma start

Karma will automatically watch the files and rerun tests when files change.

Live Reloading

Install the fb-flo chrome extension.

To enable live-reloading have the developer tools open and activate fb-flo.

Build & Deployment

Create a production optimized build using AssetGraph Builder:

DIST=./dist ./script/build

Debugging Protractor (E2E) tests

Running individual files

Serve client/ on port 3010

npm start

Run protractor with --specs option

HTTP_PORT=3010 ./node_modules/.bin/protractor --specs client/app/routes/mandates/show/mandates-show.e2e.js

Pausing the browser

Add browser.pause(); to your spec.

it('renders index', function() {

  // Use browser.pause() in your test to enter the protractor debugger from
  // that point in the control flow. Does not require changes to the command line
  // (no need to add 'debug').
