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A Common DSL for Migrating Databases

Supported Database Engines

Fizz supports minimum supported version of all supported database engines. Currently, the following database engines are officially supported. (Since Fizz is used with the migration feature of Pop, supported databases and the versions are correlated with Pop.)


Create a Table

create_table("users") {
  t.Column("id", "integer", {primary: true})
  t.Column("email", "string", {})
  t.Column("twitter_handle", "string", {"size": 50})
  t.Column("age", "integer", {"default": 0})
  t.Column("admin", "bool", {"default": false})
  t.Column("company_id", "uuid", {"default_raw": "uuid_generate_v1()"})
  t.Column("bio", "text", {"null": true})
  t.Column("joined_at", "timestamp", {})
  t.Index("email", {"unique": true})

create_table("todos") {
  t.Column("user_id", "integer", {})
  t.Column("title", "string", {"size": 100})
  t.Column("details", "text", {"null": true})
  t.ForeignKey("user_id", {"users": ["id"]}, {"on_delete": "cascade"})

The id column don't have to be an integer. For instance, your can use an UUID type instead:

create_table("users") {
  t.Column("id", "uuid", {primary: true})
  // ...

By default, fizz will generate two timestamp columns: created_at and updated_at.

The t.Columns method takes the following arguments: name of the column, the type of the field, and finally the last argument is any options you want to set on that column.

<a name="column-info"></a> "Common" Types:

Any other type passed it will be be passed straight through to the underlying database.

For example for PostgreSQL you could pass jsonband it will be supported, however, SQLite will yell very loudly at you if you do the same thing!

Supported Options:

Composite primary key

create_table("user_privileges") {
	t.Column("user_id", "int")
	t.Column("privilege_id", "int")
	t.PrimaryKey("user_id", "privilege_id")

Please note that the t.PrimaryKey statement MUST be after the columns definitions.

Drop a Table


Rename a Table

rename_table("old_table_name", "new_table_name")

Add a Column

add_column("table_name", "column_name", "string", {})

See above for more details on column types and options.

Alter a column

change_column("table_name", "column_name", "string", {})

Rename a Column

rename_column("table_name", "old_column_name", "new_column_name")

Drop a Column

drop_column("table_name", "column_name")

Add an Index

Supported Options:

Simple Index:

add_index("table_name", "column_name", {})

Multi-Column Index:

add_index("table_name", ["column_1", "column_2"], {})

Unique Index:

add_index("table_name", "column_name", {"unique": true})

Index Names:

add_index("table_name", "column_name", {}) # name => table_name_column_name_idx
add_index("table_name", "column_name", {"name": "custom_index_name"})

Rename an Index

rename_index("table_name", "old_index_name", "new_index_name")

Drop an Index

drop_index("table_name", "index_name")

Add a Foreign Key

add_foreign_key("table_name", "field", {"ref_table_name": ["ref_column"]}, {
    "name": "optional_fk_name",
    "on_delete": "action",
    "on_update": "action",

Supported Options

Note: on_update and on_delete are not supported on CockroachDB yet.

Drop a Foreign Key

drop_foreign_key("table_name", "fk_name", {"if_exists": true})

Supported Options


sql("select * from users;")

Execute an External Command

Sometimes during a migration you need to shell out to an external command.

exec("echo hello")



To run end-to-end tests, use

make test

If you made changes to the end-to-end tests and want to update the fixtures, run the following command a couple of times until tests pass:

REFRESH_FIXTURES=true make test