

Package pool

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Package pool implements a limited consumer goroutine or unlimited goroutine pool for easier goroutine handling and cancellation.


Pool v2 advantages over Pool v1:

Pool v3 advantages over Pool v2:


Use go get.

go get gopkg.in/go-playground/pool.v3

Then import the pool package into your own code.

import "gopkg.in/go-playground/pool.v3"

Important Information READ THIS!

Usage and documentation

Please see http://godoc.org/gopkg.in/go-playground/pool.v3 for detailed usage docs.


both Limited Pool and Unlimited Pool have the same signatures and are completely interchangeable.

Per Unit Work

package main

import (


func main() {

	p := pool.NewLimited(10)
	defer p.Close()

	user := p.Queue(getUser(13))
	other := p.Queue(getOtherInfo(13))

	if err := user.Error(); err != nil {
		// handle error

	// do stuff with user
	username := user.Value().(string)

	if err := other.Error(); err != nil {
		// handle error

	// do stuff with other
	otherInfo := other.Value().(string)

func getUser(id int) pool.WorkFunc {

	return func(wu pool.WorkUnit) (interface{}, error) {

		// simulate waiting for something, like TCP connection to be established
		// or connection from pool grabbed
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)

		if wu.IsCancelled() {
			// return values not used
			return nil, nil

		// ready for processing...

		return "Joeybloggs", nil

func getOtherInfo(id int) pool.WorkFunc {

	return func(wu pool.WorkUnit) (interface{}, error) {

		// simulate waiting for something, like TCP connection to be established
		// or connection from pool grabbed
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)

		if wu.IsCancelled() {
			// return values not used
			return nil, nil

		// ready for processing...

		return "Other Info", nil

Batch Work

package main

import (


func main() {

	p := pool.NewLimited(10)
	defer p.Close()

	batch := p.Batch()

	// for max speed Queue in another goroutine
	// but it is not required, just can't start reading results
	// until all items are Queued.

	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			batch.Queue(sendEmail("email content"))

		// if calling Cancel() it calles QueueComplete() internally

	for email := range batch.Results() {

		if err := email.Error(); err != nil {
			// handle error
			// maybe call batch.Cancel()

		// use return value

func sendEmail(email string) pool.WorkFunc {
	return func(wu pool.WorkUnit) (interface{}, error) {

		// simulate waiting for something, like TCP connection to be established
		// or connection from pool grabbed
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)

		if wu.IsCancelled() {
			// return values not used
			return nil, nil

		// ready for processing...

		return true, nil // everything ok, send nil, error if not


Run on MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 using Go 1.6.2

run with 1, 2, 4,8 and 16 cpu to show it scales well...16 is double the # of logical cores on this machine.

NOTE: Cancellation times CAN vary depending how busy your system is and how the goroutine scheduler is but worse case I've seen is 1s to cancel instead of 0ns

go test -cpu=1,2,4,8,16 -bench=. -benchmem=true
BenchmarkLimitedSmallRun              	       1	1002492008 ns/op	    3552 B/op	      55 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallRun-2            	       1	1002347196 ns/op	    3568 B/op	      55 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallRun-4            	       1	1010533571 ns/op	    4720 B/op	      73 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallRun-8            	       1	1008883324 ns/op	    4080 B/op	      63 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallRun-16           	       1	1002317677 ns/op	    3632 B/op	      56 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallCancel           	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallCancel-2         	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallCancel-4         	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallCancel-8         	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedSmallCancel-16        	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedLargeCancel           	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedLargeCancel-2         	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedLargeCancel-4         	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedLargeCancel-8         	 1000000	      1006 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedLargeCancel-16        	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedOverconsumeLargeRun   	       1	4027153081 ns/op	   36176 B/op	     572 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedOverconsumeLargeRun-2 	       1	4003489261 ns/op	   32336 B/op	     512 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedOverconsumeLargeRun-4 	       1	4005579847 ns/op	   34128 B/op	     540 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedOverconsumeLargeRun-8 	       1	4004639857 ns/op	   34992 B/op	     553 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedOverconsumeLargeRun-16	       1	4022695297 ns/op	   36864 B/op	     532 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedBatchSmallRun         	       1	1000785511 ns/op	    6336 B/op	      94 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedBatchSmallRun-2       	       1	1001459945 ns/op	    4480 B/op	      65 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedBatchSmallRun-4       	       1	1002475371 ns/op	    6672 B/op	      99 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedBatchSmallRun-8       	       1	1002498902 ns/op	    4624 B/op	      67 allocs/op
BenchmarkLimitedBatchSmallRun-16      	       1	1002202273 ns/op	    5344 B/op	      78 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallRun            	       1	1002361538 ns/op	    3696 B/op	      59 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallRun-2          	       1	1002230293 ns/op	    3776 B/op	      60 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallRun-4          	       1	1002148953 ns/op	    3776 B/op	      60 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallRun-8          	       1	1002120679 ns/op	    3584 B/op	      57 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallRun-16         	       1	1001698519 ns/op	    3968 B/op	      63 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallCancel         	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallCancel-2       	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallCancel-4       	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallCancel-8       	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedSmallCancel-16      	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeCancel         	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeCancel-2       	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeCancel-4       	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeCancel-8       	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeCancel-16      	2000000000	         0.00 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeRun            	       1	1001631711 ns/op	   40352 B/op	     603 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeRun-2          	       1	1002603908 ns/op	   38304 B/op	     586 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeRun-4          	       1	1001452975 ns/op	   38192 B/op	     584 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeRun-8          	       1	1005382882 ns/op	   35200 B/op	     537 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedLargeRun-16         	       1	1001818482 ns/op	   37056 B/op	     566 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedBatchSmallRun       	       1	1002391247 ns/op	    4240 B/op	      63 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedBatchSmallRun-2     	       1	1010313222 ns/op	    4688 B/op	      70 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedBatchSmallRun-4     	       1	1008364651 ns/op	    4304 B/op	      64 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedBatchSmallRun-8     	       1	1001858192 ns/op	    4448 B/op	      66 allocs/op
BenchmarkUnlimitedBatchSmallRun-16    	       1	1001228000 ns/op	    4320 B/op	      64 allocs/op

To put some of these benchmarks in perspective:


Distributed under MIT License, please see license file in code for more details.