

Log GoDoc

Log is a logging interface for Go. That's it. Pass around the interface.


Users want to standardise logging. Sometimes libraries log. We leave the underlying logging implementation to the user while allowing libraries to log by simply expecting something that satisfies the Logger interface. This leaves the user free to pre-configure structure, output, etc.


The interface is minimalistic on purpose:

type Logger interface {
    Log(v ...interface{})
    Logf(format string, v ...interface{})

For more motivation for this minimal interface, see Dave Cheney's blog post.


Libraries will only need the Logger interface, although they may choose to use the nest package to create subloggers with additional context.

Calling code will need to create a Logger interface, and there are a number of implementations and wrappers available to make that easy:

Outside of this repository, there are additional wrappers for:

The Logger interface is also simple enough to make writing your own implementation or wrapper very straightforward.


Pre-configure a logger using WithFields and pass it as an option to a library:

import (

logger := print.New(logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
	"library": "github.com/lib/foo",

f := foo.New(logger)

Related projects

github.com/go-logr/logr is a similar interface approach to logging, although the logr.Logger interface is more elaborate.