A highly concurrant website load tester with a simple intuitive command line syntax.
The header image shows goperf running on a 32 cpu machine. The machine being tested was a traditional web stack with a load balancer and 10 app servers.
Goperf fetches the html document as well as all the img, css, and js assets in an effort to realistically simulate a a basic browser request to your site. Support for follow up ajax requests is aimed for the next release
Goperf also supports simple http request headers like user-agent and cookies strings.
Prebuilt Binaries
Fetch a page and display info.
./goperf -url {url} -fetch
This will print output like:
To Fetch a page and display all it's assets use:
./goperf -url {url} -fetch --printjson
NOTE this will print the content of the body in each of the fetched assets. If you have large minified JS bundles it will be pretty messy. A future version will support only showing the body text
Fetch a page that requires a session id (such as a django login)
./goperf -url -fetch -cookies "sessionid_vagrant=0xkfeev882n0i9efkiq7vmd2i6efufz9;" --printjson
Load testing
Tell goperf the number of users you want to simulate and the number of seconds you want the simulation to run.
./goperf -url {url} -users {int} -sec {int}
Goperf will kick off a seperate go routine for each user. Each user will then continiously fetch the url along with all it's page assets in seperate go routines. Each users will make an initial GET request to fetch the cookies and then use them in follow up requests in order to simulate users sessions.
The light weight nature of goroutines allows this high concurancy to simulate many users with very litte memory. You will most likely overhewlm the test url servers or consume all of the available network bandwidth before memory becomes an issue.
Load testing results:
Ensure gopath is correctly setup
Make sure you have your GOPATH setup to point to the go/bin directory. If you have a default go install on ubuntu it would be ~/go/bin. If so you would add this to your path.
export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin
go get
go install
Run minimal unit and benchmark tests
go test ./... -cover -bench=.
Road map and future plans.
Currently goperf is quite good at simulating browser requests that include the body, css, img, and js assets.
However goper has no concept of an ajax request.
The next phase of goperf will be adding in support for additional requests after intial page load. For example say you wanted to time how long it took for 10 users to hit your website and also request a specific api. This approach will allow us to have much better simulation for javacsript heavy sites.
Longer term support for a chaos mode where the perf "users" move through the site randomly selecting a new url after each request.