

Powers of Tau

Original story

This is a multi-party computation (MPC) ceremony which constructs partial zk-SNARK parameters for all circuits up to a depth of 2<sup>21</sup>. It works by taking a step that is performed by all zk-SNARK MPCs and performing it in just one single ceremony. This makes individual zk-SNARK MPCs much cheaper and allows them to scale to practically unbounded numbers of participants.

This protocol is described in a forthcoming paper. It produces parameters for an adaptation of Jens Groth's 2016 pairing-based proving system using the BLS12-381 elliptic curve construction. The security proof relies on a randomness beacon being applied at the end of the ceremony.


Extended to support Ethereum's BN256 curve and made it easier to change size of the ceremony. In addition proof generation process can be done in memory constrained environments now. Benchmark is around 1.3 Gb of memory and 3 hours for a 2^26 power of tau on BN256 curve on my personal laptop


Every participant needs to create a ssh key for accessing the sftp server. For help see here. Please provide the public key in the gitter group. In this group, the trusted setup participant's turns will also be organized. Once it is your turn, you are supposed to do the following steps:


  1. Download latest challenge file from sftp-server with your ssl key. You can use an UI program as Filezilla (host is sftp://general-trusted-setup.production.gnosis.io) or the following shell command:
    sftp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa  your_usr_name@general-trusted-setup.production.gnosis.io:challenges/challenge
  2. Generate the exectuable binary:
    git clone https://github.com/matterinc/powersoftau
    cd powersoftau
    cargo build --release --bin compute_constrained
    or download it from here: sftp://general-trusted-setup.production.gnosis.io:testalex/compute_constrained
  3. Copy the downloaded challenge file and the newly generated executable from powersoftau/target/release/compute_constrained to your dedicated computer for the trusted setup into a folder: Execution.
  4. (Optional) Perform some of the recommended steps from the next section.
  5. Make sure your dedicated computer for the ceremony will not fall asleep, even if the following step takes several hours.
  6. On the dedicated computer, perform computation from within the Execution folder by running:
  7. Broadcast your contribution hash via twitter or your preferred social media account.
  8. Upload the 'response' file to sftp-server into the your own folder (your_ssl_user_name) via Filezilla or:
    echo "put response" | sftp -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa  your_user_name@general-trusted-setup.production.gnosis.io:your_ssl_user_name

Recommendations from original ceremony

Participants of the ceremony sample some randomness, perform a computation, and then destroy the randomness. Only one participant needs to do this successfully to ensure the final parameters are secure. In order to see that this randomness is truly destroyed, participants may take various kinds of precautions:

It is totally up to the participants. In general, participants should beware of side-channel attacks and assume that remnants of the randomness will be in RAM after the computation has finished.

Running docker image for automatic validation

For starting the docker, just run:

 docker build --tag=validation_worker .
 docker run -it -v ~/.ssh/:/root/.ssh -v ~/gnosis/powersoftau:/app/ -v ~/gnosis/powersoftau/tmp:/tmp --env-file ./variables.sh validation_worker bash

This requires a prepared env file looking like this:


Once logged into the docker, the following scripts are helpful:

#setting up env variables for cron job
printenv | sed 's/^\(.*\)$/export \1/g' > /root/project_env.sh
#changing size of trusted setup(for testing only)
sed -i 's/const REQUIRED_POWER: usize = [0-9][0-9];*/const REQUIRED_POWER: usize = 8;/g' /app/src/bn256/mod.rs
sed -i 's/const REQUIRED_POWER: usize = [0-9][0-9];*/const REQUIRED_POWER: usize = 8;/g' /app/src/small_bn256/mod.rs
#Make the first inital generation and upload it to the server
. scripts/initial_setup.sh 
#starting cron
#see logs of cron job
nano /var/log/cron.log


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