


Let's start off with a little Haiku:

We C Battleships
Battleships are on the C
Hit, Sink, and triumph

cbattleship-server after intialization
cbattleship-text-client which is connected to the server cbattleship-text-client which plays against the other client

A implementation of the classic Battleship game in C++. Includes a server program, and multiple different client programs. The server program wait's until two client program connected to start a game. The server dictates the rules of the game.


How To Compile

We don't provide any builds but you can easily build this project yourself on basically any linux machine. Maybe even most unix machines (Let us know). You can build it with Cygwin if you are on windows.

% git clone https://github.com/troopa/cBattleship.git
% cd cBattleship
% mkdir build    # create build directory for an out of source build
% cd build
% cmake ..       # configure the source, generate the Makefiles
% make           # build it!

You need to have cmake installed to be able to generate the Makefiles. Alternatively, you can also generate other things than Makefiles to compile the source (see the -G switch of cmake), if you don't have make available, like Visual Studio Project files. Only Makefiles have been tested yet. Please let us know if you compile this project on other plattforms and if any changes are needed (send us a pull request on GitHub).

The C++ boost libraries are used extensively in this project, you also need to have them installed (including the development headers).

To be able to compile the cbattleship-curses-client you also need to have ncurses installed. If you don't want the ncurses client you can also omit it during compilation:

make cbattleship-text-client cbattleship-server

The same thing is true for the cbattleship-gtk-client. You need the gtkmm3.0 development headers, including the pkg-config and glib-compile-resources programs.

Run It

# execute these commands inside the your build directory
# run the server
% ./cbattleship-server 
# run the ncurses-client
% ./cbattleship-curses-client <server-ip-or-hostname>
# run the text based client
% ./cbattleship-text-client <server-ip-or-hostname>

Running The Tests

CppUnit is being used for Unit Testing.

To run the Tests type the following command inside your build directory:

% ./cbattleship-unit-tests

Alternatively you can also use the make target test to run the tests. By running the tests this way you don't see all the information if a test fails.

% make test