

meme.land - A Gno Meme Sharing Platform

meme.land is a meme (funny internet image) sharing platform built on top of the Gno.land blockchain tech stack.

meme.land allows you to connect with your Gno.land wallet, share memes with your friends and coworkers, and upvote the funniest ones.

Built using the Gno.land tech stack, meme.land utilizes the Gno programming language for its backend, and a classic React UI using vite.

Run meme.land locally

meme.land consists of a React frontend, and a Gno backend (smart contract). The frontend and backend code can be found at ui/ and api/ respectively. By following the steps below, you will be able to run your own local version of the meme.land realm with gnodev, as well as your local frontend with vite.


1. Clone the meme.land repo

git clone git@github.com:gnolang/memeland.git 

2. Set up environment variables

Create a .env file in the ui/ folder following the template found in .env.example.

To do this, your .env file should contain the following:


4. Set up a local development node with gnodev

gnodev is a tool that allows you to run a local Gno.land node effortlessly. To get started, install gnodev. To do this, clone the Gno monorepo:

git clone git@github.com:gnolang/gno.git 

From the root of the Gno repo, install the all the necessary binaries and tools following the next steps:

  1. Install the gno & gnodev binaries with the following command in the root of the cloned monorepo:
make install
  1. Run the gnodev binary in the memeland repo, giving it paths to the package and realm:
gnodev ./api/p/memeland ./api/r/memeland

Running this command will spin up a local node that the meme.land UI will be able to connect to.

Make sure that the chain RPC endpoint that gnodev is running on matches the one in the .env file.

3. Start the frontend with vite

Start by running yarn in the ui/ folder. After yarn has installed all of the dependencies, run yarn dev.


Congratulations! You are now officially running a local frontend connected to meme.land!