

Single-Node Attack For Fooling Graph Neural Networks

This repository is the official implementation of Single-Node Attack For Fooling Graph Neural Networks.


This project is based on PyTorch 1.6.0 and the PyTorch Geometric library.

First, install PyTorch from the official website: https://pytorch.org/. Then install PyTorch Geometric: https://pytorch-geometric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notes/installation.html (PyTorch Geometric must be installed according to the instructions there). Eventually, run the following to verify that all dependencies are satisfied:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To download the Twitter dataset:

wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmlfy463dqs07hu/twitter-dataset.tar.gz
tar -xvzf twitter-dataset.tar.gz
mv twitter-dataset/data/* ./datasets/twitter


You can choose one of the 5 attacks as detailed in our paper:

  1. SINGLE NODE attack will produce a 2d matrix of SINGLE approaches such as (hops, GradChoice, Topology...) as a function of the available nets (GCN, GIN, GAT, SAGE, SGC, Robust GCN...)

  2. SINGLE EDGE attack will produce a 2d matrix of EDGE approaches such as (SINGLE, GradChoice...) as a function of the basic available nets (GCN, GIN, GAT, SAGE, SGC)

  3. NODE_LINF attack will produce a 2d matrix of L_inf values as a function of the available nets, only for the basic SINGLE approach

  4. NODE_L0 attack will produce a 2d matrix of L_0 values as a function of the available nets, only for the basic SINGLE approach

  5. DISTANCE attack will produce a 2d matrix of distance from the victim node as a function of the available nets, only for the basic SINGLE approach

  6. ADVERSARIAL attack will produce a 2d matrix of SINGLE approaches such as (hops, GradChoice, Topology...) as a function of the available nets (GCN, GIN, GAT, SAGE, SGC...), for a model which is trained adversarialy on the basic SINGLE approach

  7. MULTIPLE attack will produce a 2d matrix of the number of attackers as a function of the available nets, only for the basic SINGLE approach

The available input arguments are:

Note: Every combination of attack mode and GNN is available, except for the combination of Edge attacks+Robust GNNs