

Use the verified, up-to-date data of inthewild.io directly, everything is free to use Apache 2.0

inTheWild is a community driven database and platform to help your vulnerability triage.
If you just need the exploitation information don't waste your time here, hit inthewild.io/api/exploited this export includes all vulnerability data, exploits and exploitation reports
You can download the database from: https://pub-4c1eae2a180542b19ea7c88f1e4ccf07.r2.dev/inthewild.db

Who? How?

Information here can be useful for you if you are

How to use the CLI

We provided a minimalistic CLI tool with the database to work as an example and if you want to script things without hammering our API :heart:

How to install

It is not the 90s grandpa, stop installing utils writen by 3 randos! Use docker

Getting reports

How can I help out?


Bobby, Marci