

SwiftUI Recipes Companion

Free Companion app and XCode extension for adding SwiftUI recipes to your code.

Choose from a rich selection of SwiftUI recipes, that range from simple tasks to entire custom components:

Companion App

Then, simply insert their code straight into yours via the Editor menu:

Companion App

Be sure to check out the online version as well!



Companion App:

Source Editor Extension:

Contributing Recipes

All the recipes are open source and live in the Recipes folder in the Git.

Any contributions are more than welcome! Let's grow the cookbook together!

To contribute a recipe, simply create a PR with a new recipe file. A recipe file is a yml with the following structure:

title: "Title of the recipe, as it'll appear in the App/Extension. Can only contain slash / and parentheses () as special characters."
description: "Give a short description of the recipe here."
author: "Your name or email address."
url: "Optional, URL to more details on the subject."
image: "Optional, URL to the image accompanying the recipe. Feel free to include the image in the PR."
updatedAt: "ISO-formatted timestamp of the latest recipe update."
minSwiftUIVersion: Minimum SwiftUI version that supports the recipe, e.g 1, 2, 3
maxSwiftUIVersion: Optional, if the recipe got deprecated in a newer SwiftUI version.


Check out SwiftUIRecipes.com for in-depth explanations of common, yet puzzling SwiftUI tasks.