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This package is a client to generate URLs to Thumbor using Elixir language.


The package can be installed by adding thumbor_client to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:thumbor_client, "~> 0.4.0"}


In safe mode

iex> client = ThumborClient.client("my_secret_token")
iex> client.(%{image: "path/to/image.jpg", width: 500, height: 500})

In unsafe mode

iex> client = ThumborClient.client()
iex> client.("%{image: "path/to/image.jpg", width: 500, height: 500})

Another way to generate

The method client("key") is recommended if you will generate multiple images in same function. If you prefer, you can call the method generate without this HOF.

iex> ThumborClient.generate(%{image: "image.jpg", width: 500, height: 500}, "my_secret_token")
# The last parameter is optional, if not exist should use unsafe mode


OptionDefault ValueDescription
trim: (bool)falseRemoves surrounding space in image using top-left pixel color unless specified otherwise
meta: (bool)falseInstead of get the image, get all meta data informations in image returning using json
fit: (atom|nil)nilThe fit argument specifies that the image should not be auto-cropped and auto-resized to be EXACTLY the specified size. Possible values: :fit_in, :adaptive_fit_in, :full_fit_in, :adaptive_full_fit_in
width: (integer)0Final width of image
height: (integer)0Final height of image
flip: (bool)falseFlip image horizontaly
flop: (bool)falseFlip image verticaly
halign: (atom)  :center      Orientation to crop horizontaly. Possible values: :left, :center, :right                                                                                                                              
valign: (atom)  :center      Orientation to crop verticaly. Possible values: :top, :center, :bottom                                                                                                                                
smart: (bool)falseUse Thumbor algorithms to crop using facial recognition process
filters: (list)[]Adding filters to image. More details bellow
image: (string)nilPath of image. Can be external.


You can see a big list of filters in official Thumbor documentation. You must set a list of strings with values.

Examples of usage:


ThumborClient.generate(%{filters: ["brightness(40)"], width: 400, height: 300, path: "/path/image.jpg"})


ThumborClient.generate(%{filters: ["blur(40)"], width: 400, height: 300, path: "/path/image.jpg"})


ThumborClient.generate(%{filters: ["grayscale()"], width: 400, height: 300, path: "/path/image.jpg"})

Multiple filters

ThumborClient.generate(%{filters: ["grayscale()", "rotate(90)", "saturate(20)"], width: 400, height: 300, path: "/path/image.jpg"})


The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/thumbor_client.