


A Remote Administration Tool for Android devices.<br/> The Minimum SDK version for the app is API 15 and by its nature, the Target API level makes sense to be 21.

<hr/> <h3>Instructions:</h3> <ul> <li>Open the folder PhoneMonitor with Android Studio.</li> <li>Replace the XXXX strings with the relevant substitutes from AppSettings.java file.</li> <li>Build a signed APK.</li> </ul> <hr/> <ul> <li>Modify the database parameters in helperfuncs.php file in the Webpanel folder.</li> <li>Upload the php files to your server.</li> <li>Create a MySQL database called 'phonemonitor' in your server.</li> <li>Register an account from the main page.</li> <li>Using phpMyAdmin provided by the server, modify the 'users' table to modify the value of 'Approved' column for the newly created account to 1</li> </ul> <hr/> <ul> <li>Install the APK in the desired Android device.</li> </ul> <hr/> <i>Check the Wiki for more information.</i>