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Glimesh is a next generation streaming platform built by the community, for the community. Our platform focuses on increasing discoverability for content creators and implementing the latest in streaming technology to level the playing field. We understand the importance of interaction between content creators and their fans and we’re dedicated to innovating new ways to bring communities closer together.

This repository houses the Glimesh.tv back-end and browser front-end.

Table of Contents

Development Installation

These instructions serve as a reference for getting Glimesh running whatever type of local machine you have for development. Some instructions may be specific to various distributions, substitution may be required with the correct procedure for your configuration.

General Dependencies

You will need the following tools to clone, build, and run Glimesh:

You will need these optional dependencies for advanced functionality:

You may need to translate these exact dependencies into their appropriate names for your OS distribution.


To clone a local copy of Glimesh.tv, run

git clone https://github.com/Glimesh/glimesh.tv.git
# or if you have permissions to the repository, or prefer to use SSH authentication
# git clone git@github.com:Glimesh/glimesh.tv.git

NOTE: If you are using WSL2, ensure you are cloning inside of your WSL2 instance (ex. /home/user/...) and not inside of a mounted Windows drive (ex. /mnt/c/Users/...) as this can have a significant negative impact on performance.

Windows Installation

Running Glimesh.tv natively on Windows is not yet understood. However you can run the application very well with WSL2. If you are interested in running Glimesh.tv natively, have a go at us and let us know!

WSL2 with Ubuntu 18.04 & 20.04 has been tested successfully for development on Windows.

Ubuntu Installation (including WSL2 + Ubuntu)

On modern versions of Ubuntu, you can install these packages with the following command:

wget https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git esl-erlang elixir postgresql npm inotify-tools librsvg2-bin
sudo npm -g install svgo@2.8.0

Configuring Postgres

After installing the postgresql package, you may need to fire up the postgresql server:

sudo pg_ctlcluster 12 main start

You will then need to add a password for the default postgres user so that the Glimesh service can access the database. The password Glimesh is configured to use by default in a dev environment is postgres. Postgres by default will only allow connections from localhost - for a development environment this is generally acceptable. If you are more concerned about securing your Postgres instance, consider using a different password.

Run the following command to enter a postgres prompt:

sudo -u postgres psql

When presented with the postgres=# prompt, you can run \password postgres to change the password for the postgres user. Enter postgres as the password, enter it again to confirm, then enter \quit to exit the postgres prompt.

postgres=# \password postgres
Enter new password:
Enter it again:

macOS Installation

Installation is simple with Homebrew. First, we need to install our pinned version of Elixir:

brew install asdf
asdf plugin-add elixir
# Adding elixir binary directory to ZSH shell. Change this if you use a different shell like bash, fish, etc.
echo -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/asdf.sh" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc
asdf install elixir `sed -n -e 's/ *elixir: "~> \(.*\)",/\1/p' mix.exs`
source ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zshrc
elixir --version

Now let's install our other dependencies:

# Required dependencies
brew install imagemagick node
# Optional dependencies
brew install librsvg 
npm install -g svgo@2.8.0
# Graphical Postgres, if you do not want a graphical Postgres, you are on your own!
brew install --cask postgres-unofficial

After you've completed these install steps, launch the Postgres.app and Initialize the server. You are ready to run Glimesh.tv at this point.


Finally, you can run the following command to start the Glimesh.tv service: cd into the directory where you cloned Glimesh.tv and run:


Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser. As a first task, dig into the run.sh script to see the script steps it runs to install dependencies and start up the server. You won't need to rebuild all of these steps for every type of change, so figuring out which steps you need to run for your changes will speed up your dev feedback loop.


Note: In order to connect with HTTPS, you will need to add the generated self-signed certificate to your trusted store.

To do this on Windows, find the priv/cert/selfsigned.pem file that was generated earlier. In WSL2, you can navigate to your WSL2 machine via \\wsl$ in Windows Explorer.

Copy the selfsigned.pem file to your Windows machine and change the file extension from .pem to .crt.

Double click the .crt file and select "Install Certificate...".

Choose "Current User" for Store Location and press "Next".

Select "Place all certificates in the following store" and press the "Browse..." button.

Select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" and press "OK".

Press "Next" and finish the Certificate Import Wizard. When prompted to trust the certificate, press "Okay".

Now you can visit your local Glimesh dev instance via HTTPS at localhost:4001!


Glimesh.tv can also be set up for development use only using docker-compose.

To do so, run the following commands from the GitHub repository:

docker-compose up

Then you can visit the site at: http://localhost:4000

To run tests you can start a docker instance and run tests on them by doing the following

docker-compose run app bash
app> mix test

Customizing your local environment

You can create a config/local.exs config file to change any local settings to make development easier. This file is ignored from git, so you don't have to worry about committing any secrets.

import Config

config :glimesh, GlimeshWeb.Endpoint,
  url: [host: "glimesh.dev", port: 443]


Most of the core code behind the project is located is clear directories, grouped with other similar code. Here are a couple of the directories you'll frequently be working with:

assets/cssSCSS directory for all of our styles, using Bootstrap 4.5
assets/jsOur simple JavaScript hooks. Generally triggered directly from a LiveView based on an action. We strive to keep the JavaScript minimal
lib/glimesh_web/{live, templates}Phoenix LiveView's and regular controller based views (called templates in Phoenix)
lib/glimeshCore Elixir domain logic & DB interactions
lib/glimesh_web/{live, controllers}Phoenix LiveView's and regular controllers
priv/repo/migrationsEcto migrations for the Postgres database
testAll testing, both functional and integrated using ExUnit
configConfiguration for local, testing, and production releases

Modifying Code

All code inside any known directory is automatically watched for changes and triggers the appropriate build. Some frontend code and live views will automatically refresh your browser, but for more complex domain logic you may be required to refresh your browser.

Running Static Code Analysis

Before submitting a pull request, be sure to run Credo which will run a static code analysis over the entire project.

mix code_quality


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Glimesh includes a comprehensive and very fast test suite, so you should be encouraged to run tests as frequently as possible.

mix test

Any broken tests will be called out with the file and line number. If you are working on a single test, or a single test file you can easily specify a smaller test sample with:

mix test test/glimesh/your_test.exs
# Or specifying a specific line
mix test test/glimesh/your_test.exs:15


If you need help with anything, please feel free to open a GitHub Issue.

Security Policy

Our security policy can be found in SECURITY.md.


Glimesh.tv is licensed under the MIT License.