



A gradle plugin to calculate Android-friendly version names and codes from git tags.

If you are tired of manually updating your Android build files for each release, or generating builds that you can't trace back to code, then this plugin is for you!

Installation and Use

1. Add the plugin to your project

Add plugins block to the top of your app/build.gradle (or equivalent):

plugins {
    id 'com.gladed.androidgitversion' version '0.4.14'

2. Set versionName and versionCode from plugin results

android {
    // ...
    defaultConfig {
        // ...
        versionName androidGitVersion.name()
        versionCode androidGitVersion.code()

3. Use a git tag to specify your version number (see Semantic Versioning)

$ git tag 1.2.3
$ gradle --quiet androidGitVersion
androidGitVersion.name	1.2.3
androidGitVersion.code	1002003

For more advanced usage, read on...

Tag format

Tags should look like 1 or 3.14 or 1.12.5. There must be at least one tag of this format reachable from the current commit, or the generated version name will be "unknown".

Any suffix after the version number in the tag (such as -release4 in 1.2.3-release4) is included in the version name, but is ignored when generating the version code.

In some cases, you'll have more than one version being generated in a single repo. In this case you can supply a prefix like "lib-" to separate sets of tags. See prefix below for more.

Intermediate Versions

Builds from non-tagged commits will generate a name() something like this:


In the example above, the components are:

Most recent tagNumber of commits since tagCommit SHA prefixBranch nameDirty indicator

Branches listed in hideBranches won't appear.

"-dirty" will only appear if the current branch has uncommitted changes.

You can customize this layout with format (see below).

Version Codes

Version codes are calculated relative to the most recent tag. For example, version 1.2.3 will have a version code of 1002003.

You can customize the scheme used to generate version codes with codeFormat (see below).


name() returns the current version name.

code() returns the current version code.

flush() flushes the internal cache of information about the git repo, in the event you have a gradle task that makes changes to the repo.


androidGitVersion prints the name and code, as shown above.

androidGitVersionName prints only the name.

androidGitVersionCode prints only the code.

Usage Notes

Configuration Properties

You can configure how names and codes are generated by adding an androidGitVersion block to your project's build.gradle file, before the android block. For example:

androidGitVersion {
    abis = ["armeabi":1, "armeabi-v7a":2 ]
    baseCode 200000
    codeFormat 'MNNPPP'
    commitHashLength = 8
    format '%tag%%.count%%<commit>%%-branch%%...dirty%'
    hideBranches = [ 'develop' ]
    onlyIn 'my-library'
    prefix 'lib-'
    untrackedIsDirty = false

android {
    // ...

abis (map of String:int)

abis indicate how ABI platforms are mapped to integer codes. These integer codes are inserted into the A place in codeFormat.

The default abis are:

['armeabi':1, 'armeabi-v7a':2, 'arm64-v8a':3, 'mips':5, 'mips64':6, 'x86':8, 'x86_64':9 ]

baseCode (int)

baseCode sets a floor for all generated version codes (that is, it is added to all generated version codes). Use this when you have already released a version with a code, and don't want to go backwards.

The default is baseCode 0, enforcing no minimum version code value.

codeFormat (string)

codeFormat defines a scheme for building the version code. Each character corresponds to a reserved decimal place in the resulting code:

[1] if you use A you must call variants to tell the plugin about your project's build variants. For example:

android {
    androidGitVersion {
        codeFormat = 'AMNNPPP'
        variants applicationVariants

Note that changing the version code scheme for a released Android project can cause problems if your new version code does not increase monotonically. Consider baseCode if you are changing code formats from a prior release.

Android version codes are limited to a maximum version code of 2100000000. As a result, codeFormat only allows you to specify 9 digits.

The default is codeFormat 'MMMNNNPPP', leaving 3 digits for each portion of the semantic version. A shorter code format such as MNNPPP is highly recommended.

commitHashLength (int)

commitHashLength specifies how many characters to use from the beginning of commit SHA hash (e.g. commit in format). Values from 4 to 40 are valid.

The default length is 7 (similar to git describe --tags).

hideBranches (list of strings/regexes)

hideBranches identifies branch names to be hidden from the version name for intermediate (untagged) commits.

For example, if 'master' is your development branch, hideBranches ['master'] results in build names like 1.2-38-9effe2a instead of 1.2-38-master-9effe2a.

Note that each element of hideBranches is interpreted as a regex pattern, for example, [ 'master', 'feature/.*' ].

The default is hideBranches [ 'master', 'release' ], meaning that intermediate builds will not show these branch names.

format (string)

format defines the form of the version name.

Parts may include:

Parts are delimited as %<PARTNAME>%. Any other characters appearing between % marks are preserved.

Parts are sometimes omitted (such as a branch name listed by hideBranches). In this case the entire part will not appear.

The default is format "%tag%%-count%%-commit%%-branch%%-dirty%"

onlyIn (string)

onlyIn sets a required path for relevant file changes. Commits that change files in this path will count, while other commits will be ignored for versioning purposes.

For example, consider this directory tree:

+-- my-app/
    +-- .git/
    +-- build.gradle
    +-- app/
    |   +-- build.gradle
    |   +-- src/
    +-- lib/
        +-- build.gradle
        +-- src/

If my-app/lib/build.gradle is configured with onlyIn 'lib', then changes to files in other paths (like my-app/build.gradle or my-app/app/src) will not affect the version name.

The default is onlyIn '', including all paths.

prefix (string)

prefix sets the required prefix for any relevant version tag. For example, with prefix 'lib-', the tag lib-1.5 is used to determine the version, while tags like 1.0 and app-2.4.2 are ignored. When found, the prefix is removed from the front of the final version name.

The default is prefix '', matching all numeric version tags.

tagPattern (string/regex)

tagPattern limits the search for the most recent version tag to those that match the pattern. For example, tagPattern(/^v[0-9]+.*) limits matches to tags like v1.6.

If both prefix and tagPattern are used, the prefix strings should be included in the tagPattern.

The default is tagPattern(/^$prefix[0-9]+.*/), finding all tags beginning with the prefix (if specified) and a digit.

untrackedIsDirty (boolean)

When untrackedIsDirty is true, a version is considered dirty when any untracked files are detected in the repo's directory.

The default is untrackedIsDirty false; only tracked files are considered when deciding on "dirty".

Deprecated Configuration Properties


Version History



All code here is Copyright 2015-2019 by Glade Diviney, and licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.