

LiveScript Style Guide

This is a style guide for the LiveScript programming language.

Code Layout


Use 4 spaces per indentation level, not tabs, not another amount of spaces.

Blank Lines

Separate top level class and function definitions with a blank line. Add blank lines as needed for readability.

Trailing Whitespace

Don't leave any trailing whitespace.

Line End

Don't end your lines with semicolons. Just use a newline. Only use semicolons to separate multiple statements on a single line.

Statements per Line

Only have one statement per line.

x = 0
x + y


Align short form switch statements:

| n <= 0     => []
| empty list => []
| otherwise  => [x] ++ take n - 1, xs


Use dashes instead of camel case or underscores to name everything and access existing names.

to-upper-case = -> it.to-upper-case!

Except for class names, use PascalCase for those:

class WidgetThing extends Base



true and false are preferred over their aliases (yes, no, on, off), unless the code is much more readable using the alias.


When you can, insert a number comment to specify the units, if it helps readability.

period = 7days * 52weeks


Use single quotes 'hello world', except if you need to use string interpolation or have a string with many single quotes in it, in which case use double quotes "hello #var".


List of Words

Use starting and ending whitespace before the first word and after the last, eg.

<[ list of words ]>


<[list of words]>


Use a single space after the comma, do not use a space before the comma. Eg.

[x, y, z]


Use @ for this except when it is stand alone.


Use :: instead of .prototype.




Singly space operators, except in the case of their use in array access.

x = 1 + 2


English vs Symbols

Use and, or, etc. over &&, || except when you need the special functionality of &&, || etc. (they do not close implicit calls, unlike and, or, etc.)

x = false
y = true
(not) x or y #=> true  [(not)(x) || y]
(not) x || y #=> false [(not)(x || y)]

is not / isnt

Use isnt over is not.


When you can, avoid commas. This means you can leave them out when the preceding item is a non-callable in a list (this includes arguments). However, keep it consistent within a call or a list. Either use commas between all items, or don't use them at all.

[1 2 3]
add-numbers 5 x
[1, x, 3]


Avoid the use of parentheses whenever possible.

Do not use them when calling functions:

Math.pow 2 3

You can use do instead of parentheses if you are calling against a block for instance:

some-func do
    prop:  3
    other: 5

Avoid them with chaining, access and logic closes implicit calls:

$ '#content .slider' .find 'a' .slide-up!

You can avoid using them in lists by using a semicolon as a separator when a comma won't work.

[add 2 3; times 2 3]

Calling Functions

As mentioned earlier, if you can avoid using commas in the argument list, do so.

If you are calling with no arguments, use a bang call:


Unless you are negating or boolean casting the result, then use () as otherwise it looks funny.


List Access

Use list.0 instead of list[0]. Only use the brackets if you need to do some math, e.g. list[i+0].8


As mentioned earlier, align your switch statements.

Short vs Long Form

If you can fit the body of each case on a single line, except for the otherwise case, use the short form. Otherwise, use the long form.

| even x    => x
| even y    => y
| otherwise =>
    x + y

case f x
case g x


Use default with the long form.

Use | otherwise => with the short form, unless your test cases are very short, in which case you can use | _ =>

switch x
| 2 => 7
| 3 => 8
| 4 => 9
| _ => 10