


Quick n' dirty hack to get Airthings Wave Plus sensor into Home Assistant. Beware, very untested. Only works with Airthings Wave Plus.

I wanted something to read my Airthings Wave Plus, so I built this. Far from production quality. Magic hardcoded constants. Reads data the wrong way to work around a bug. Tested on a single device. Only supports a single Wave Plus. Does not construct a unique id for the sensor. Figured I may as well upload in case it's useful to someone else.


  1. Find out the MAC address of your Airthings Wave Plus. See https://airthings.com/us/raspberry-pi/ for how to find MAC address.
  2. Put __init__.py, sensor.py, manifest.json into <config>/custom_components/airthings/ on your home assistant installation (where <config> is the directory where your config file resides).
  3. Add the following to your configuration.yaml (or modify your sensor heading, if you already have one):
  - platform: airthings
    mac: 00:11:22:AA:BB:CC # replace with MAC of your Airthings Wave+

Then restart home assistant and if everything works, you'll have some new sensors named sensor.airthings_{co2,humidity,longterm_radon,pressure,shortterm_radon,temperature,voc}