Set of experiments and extensions to THREE.js. These pages are a sandbox of examples and not necessarily ready to include in projects and may require some work to properly and performantly integrate.
If any classes are used in a project or application credit is appreciated (though not required) and let me know! I love seeing my work used in practice.
Potential Projects
- Deferred Renderer
- TRAA, non float buffer on volume-lights (see playdead implementation, article by Alex Tardif)
- use GLSL syntax parser for debugger
- Subsurface Scattering
- Stochastic transparency
- Glossly refraction post effect (based on overlap, depth?)
- Glint shader (
- Immediate-mode style global (or imported) tool that lets you draw debug widgets easily
- Bent normals generator
- Screen space shadows
- Provide helper for depth peeling renders
- Based on translucent material demo.
- Gem shader
- Texture atlaser for mesh optimization
- Screen Space Global Illumination
- Triangle draw order reorganizer for transparency / overdraw
- Temporal volume lights but with per-fragment jitter
- Half Edge data structure
- GPU particles
- Curl noise