


Checkout the demo repository here!


This project converts GObject Introspection XML files into highly accurate TypeScript definition files (.d.ts)!


All packages are located under packages/

Core Packages:

Node-Specific Utilities:




In the root folder:

  1. yarn (download dependencies)

  2. In packages/parser, run yarn build

  3. In packages/node-loader, run yarn build

  4. In packages/lib, run yarn build

  5. In packages/cli, run yarn prepack and yarn link.

For HTML...

  1. In packages/generator-html, run yarn build and yarn link.

Generate type definitions:

In your project:
  1. yarn link @gi.ts/cli
  2. gi-ts config (list potential packages)
  3. gi-ts generate [--all] (generate files)

For HTML output...

  1. yarn link @gi.ts/generator-html
In gi.ts:
  1. gi-ts config (list potential packages)
  2. gi-ts config --lock (cache your local packages)
  3. gi-ts generate [--all] (generate files)

Selecting Versions

In sample/docs.json you can find an example of how to select which versions gi.ts generates for a given library. Move this file to to your generation directory for gi.ts to use it.


Complete documentation is available in the CLI documentation.

When infer generics is passed gi.ts attempts to add generic typing based on heuristics (primarily if a class or function is typed with GObject.Object). If this is false all type conversions that would need to occur in C will likely also need to be made in TypeScript. This particularly impacts callback functions which offer an instance or self parameter.

When promisification is enabled, GJS will add type definitions for any async functions it can identify. You still need to ensure Gio._promisify is called on the relevant functions, because it will type correctly regardless.

The directory to store the output in.

Whether to include the documentation strings alongside the output. WARNING: the resulting type definitions will potentially then inherit the license of the original codebase

The JSON output format is meant to be used for documentation generators, dts is the default and primary output format for gi.ts.

Only impacts TypeScript output. For TypeScript outputs we "inject" a hand-written GLib.Variant definition which utilizes TypeScript's literal types to enforce Variant string signature typing.