


1. The Vim Way

Part I — Modes

2. Normal Mode

3. Insert Mode

4. Visual Mode

5. Command-Line Mode

Part II — Files

6. Manage Multiple Files

Part III — Getting Around Faster

8. Navigate Inside Files with Motions

9. Navigate Between Files with Jumps

Part IV — Registers

10. Copy and Paste

11. Macros

Part V — Patterns

12. Matching Patterns and Literals

13. Search

14. Substitution

15. Global Commands

Part VI — Tools

16. Index and Navigate Source Code with ctags

17. Compile Code and Navigate Errors with the Quickfix List

18. Search Project-Wide with grep, vimgrep, and Others

19. Dial X for Autocompletion

20. Find and Fix Typos with Vim’s Spell Checker

21. Now What?