

Refactory: Re-factoring based Program Repair applied to Programming Assignments

What is Refactory

Refactory is a fully automated tool for generating real-time program repairs of buggy student programs, given one or more correct/reference programs.

This is achieved by first re-factoring all available correct solutions to semantically equivalent solutions. Given an incorrect program, we match the program with the closest matching refactored program based on its control flow structure. Subsequently, we infer the input-output specifications of the incorrect program's basic blocks from the executions of the correct program's aligned basic blocks. Finally, these specifications are used to modify the blocks of the incorrect program via search-based synthesis.



Yang Hu, Umair Z. Ahmed, Sergey Mechtaev, Ben Leong, Abhik Roychoudhury

Principal Investigator

Abhik Roychoudhury


Yang Hu, Umair Z. Ahmed


If you use any part of our Refactory tool or data present in this repository, then please do cite our ASE-2019 Refactory paper.

    title={Re-factoring based Program Repair applied to Programming Assignments},
    author={Hu, Yang and Ahmed, Umair Z. and Mechtaev, Sergey and Leong, Ben and Roychoudhury, Abhik},
    booktitle={2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)},


The data.zip archive contains 2442 correct and 1783 buggy program attempts by 361 undergraduate students crediting an introduction to Python programming course at NUS (National University of Singapore). This dataset of 5 programming assignments is described in Section-V and Table-II of our ASE-2019 Refactory paper.

Refactory tool expects the following inputs:

  1. Test-Suite: Collection of input (input_x.txt) and its corresponding excepted output (output_x.txt).
  2. reference.py: The reference (correct) implementation provided by instructor, that passes the complete test-suite.
  3. correct_abc.py: Correct program attempts by students, that passes all the test-cases.
  4. wrong_xyz.py: Buggy program attempts by students, which fails on one or more test-cases.
  5. global.py: Instructor provided imports and global function/variable declarations (if any).

Given these inputs, Refactory attempts to repair all buggy programs by inferring input-output specification from closest aligned (refactored) correct programs. These data data input files should be organized in the folder structure described below. Please refer to the 5 programming assignments present within data.zip for example.

    |    |-ans
    |    |   |-input_xxx.txt
    |    |   |-output_xxx.txt
    |    |   |-...
    |    |   
    |    |-code
    |    |   |-reference
    |    |   |   |-reference.py
    |    |   |
    |    |   |-correct
    |    |   |   |-sub_xxxxxxx.py
    |    |   |   |-...
    |    |   |
    |    |   |-wrong
    |    |   |   |-sub_xxxxxxx.py
    |    |   |   |-... 
    |    |   |
    |    |   |-global.py   


Extract Dataset

unzip data.zip

Install Ubuntu/Debian packages

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip

Install Python packages

Refactory is implemented in Python 3.7. The file requirements.txt lists the python packages, along with their specific version number, required by Refactory. We recommend using Anaconda-3 package distribution to maintain the package dependencies.

conda install --file requirements.txt

Alternatively, pip3 can be used, followed by manually ensuring that the dependencies are met.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Docker environment

As an alternate to setting up the Ubuntu/Debian and Python packages manually, the same environment can be obtained by building a docker image based on docker/Dockerfile.

sudo docker build -t refactory ./docker/

Running Refactory

Refactory tool is invoked using the command line interface offered by run.py. For example, the below command runs Refactory on all buggy programs of question_1 in the ./data directory, with online refactoring, structure mutation, block repair phase enabled, and 100% sampling rate of correct programs.

python3 run.py -d ./data -q question_1 -s 100 -o -m -b

Command line arguments

Output logs

After the completion of a run by Refactory tool, the intermediate results such as repaired program, time-taken, relative patch size, etc are logged into a csv file ./data/question_x/refactory_*.csv. Where, * is either 'online', 'offline', or 'norefactor' depending of whether Refactory tool was invoked with -o, -f or neither of these two flags, respectively.

Logs of individual questions, generated under the same settings, can be collated through use of -c flag.