

GitHub Actions Self Hosted Runners on Anthos

Build and deploy GitHub Actions self hosted runners to Google Cloud Anthos GKE, making them available to a given GitHub repository.

awesome-runnersBuild status


This project accompanies the "GitHub Actions self-hosted runners on Google Cloud" blog post.


A Continuous Integration job builds the image and publishes it to Google Container Registry, and a Continuous Deployment job deploys it to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). The self hosted runners in this cluster are made available to the GitHub repository configured via the GITHUB_REPO environment variable below.

Because a Docker-in-Docker sidecar pod has been used in this project, these self-hosted runners can also run container builds. Though this approach offers build flexibility, it requires a privileged security context and therefore extends the trust boundary to the whole cluster. Extra caution is recommended with this approach or removing the sidecar if your application doesn’t require container builds.

⚠️ Note that this use case is considered experimental and not officially supported by GitHub at this time. Additionally it’s recommended not to use self-hosted runners on public repositories for a number of security reasons.


gcloud projects create self-hosted-runner-test --name "Self Hosted Runner Test"
gcloud iam service-accounts create runner-admin \
    --description "Runner administrator"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding self-hosted-runner-test \
  --member serviceAccount:runner-admin@self-hosted-runner-test.iam.gserviceaccount.com \
  --role roles/admin
gcloud services enable \
    stackdriver.googleapis.com \
    compute.googleapis.com \
    container.googleapis.com \
gcloud container clusters create self-hosted-runner-test-cluster
gcloud container hub memberships register self-hosted-anthos-membership \
  --project=self-hosted-runner-test-myid \
  --gke-uri=https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/self-hosted-runner-test-myid/locations/us-west1/clusters/self-hosted-runner-test-cluster \
gcloud container clusters get-credentials self-hosted-runner-test-cluster --region us-west1
kubectl create secret generic self-hosted-runner-creds \
    --from-literal=GITHUB_REPO='<owner>/<repo>' \


Future improvements


We welcome contributions! See how to contribute.
