Reddit bot to scan and repost submissions of interest to niche subreddits
- Install Python+pip (tested on Python 2.7.3)
- Install deps with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy src/ to src/ and fill-in
- Run src/
You'll need a user with a bit of karma to auth the bot for the posts to succeed.
user_agent string to identify the bot on Reddit (REQUIRED)
bot_username Reddit user from which the bot will post, e.g. 'Samus_' (REQUIRED)
bot_password credentials for bot_username e.g. 'hunter2' (REQUIRED)
destination_subreddit subreddit to repost matches, e.g. 'AskReddit'
title_template template string to generate submission title, defaults to '{s.title}' which simply copies the original. s
is an instance of
matched_keywords, matched_regexps list of strings/string-regexps that the submission must contain/match (any of those) in order to be considered for repost
excluded_keywords, excluded_regexps list of strings/string-regexps that the submission must not contain/match (none of those) in order to be considered for repost, takes precedence over matched
target_subreddits list of subreddits to scan for matches, e.g. ['python', 'django'] (defaults to ['all'] meaning the whole site)
ignored_subreddits list of subreddits to exclude from matches (destination_subreddit is automatically ignored)
ignored_submitters list of Reddit usernames for users whose submissions won't be reposted
- Handle connection errors
- Stop gracefully
- Add logging messages