



pip install --user invidious-viewer

For installing the git version:

pip install --user -U git+https://github.com/git-bruh/invidious-viewer.git

Add ~/.local/bin to PATH by adding the following to your ~/.bashrc file:


This will allow invidious-viewer to be launched by using the invidious-viewer command in the terminal.

Known issues


Note: The MPV player is required, along with libmpv.so which should be provided by your Linux distribution. Compiling MPV with LuaJIT support may also be required on source-based distributions.

Default behaviour: Return the first page of results for the entered search term.

Additional usage options:

usage: invidious_viewer.py [-h] [-i INSTANCE] [-r RESULTS] [-v] [-c CHANNEL | -p | -t]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INSTANCE, --instance INSTANCE
                        Specify a different invidious instance
  -r RESULTS, --results RESULTS
                        Return specific number of results
  -v, --video           Toggle video playback
  -c CHANNEL, --channel CHANNEL
                        View videos from a specific channel
  -p, --popular         View popular videos (Default invidious page)
  -t, --trending        View trending videos

Config File:

    "instance": "https://invidious.snopyta.org",
    "play_video": true,
    "captions": false

The instance can be permanently specified in the config file, along with the video playback and closed captions preference.

The suggested alternative instance is https://invidious.site/ as all the required API endpoints are provided.

Usage example: invidious --channel "Channel Name" --instance https://invidious.snopyta.org --results 5

Returns the first 5 results from the specified channel and fetches all URLs from the <a href="https://invidious.snopyta.org/">Snopyta instance</a>.


Screenshot Screenshot