

Events to Super-Resolved Images (E2SRI)

This is a code repo for Learning to Super Resolve Intensity Images from Events (CVPR 2020 - Oral)<br> Mohammad Mostafavi, Jonghyun Choi and Kuk-Jin Yoon (Corresponding author)


Our extended and upgraded version produces highly consistent videos, and includes further details and experiments E2SRI: Learning to Super-Resolve Intensity Images from Events - TPAMI 2021

If you use any of this code, please cite both following publications:

  title     = {E2SRI: Learning to Super-Resolve Intensity Images from Events},
  author    = {Mostafaviisfahani, Sayed Mohammad and Nam, Yeongwoo and Choi, Jonghyun and Yoon, Kuk-Jin},
  journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis \& Machine Intelligence},
  number    = {01},
  pages     = {1--1},
  year      = {2021},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}
  author  = {Mostafavi I., S. Mohammad and Choi, Jonghyun and Yoon, Kuk-Jin},
  title   = {Learning to Super Resolve Intensity Images from Events},
  journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  month   = {June},
  year    = {2020},
  pages   = {2768-2786}



python -m venv ./e2sri
source e2sri/bin/activate
cd e2sri
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src
unzip pyflow.zip
cd pyflow
python3 setup.py build_ext -i


unzip dataset.zip
cd src


python test.py --data_dir ../dataset/slider_depth --checkpoint_path ../save_dir/2x_7s.pth --save_dir ../save_dir

Note that our code with the given weights (7S) consumes ~ 4753MiB GPU memory at inference.

From this sample event stack, you should produce a similar (resized) result as:

<img src="https://github.com/gistvision/e2sri/blob/master/images/event.png"> <img src="https://github.com/gistvision/e2sri/blob/master/images/sample.png" width="240" height="180">


python3 train.py --config_path ./configs/2x_3.yaml --data_dir ../dataset/Gray_5K_7s_tiny --save_dir ../save_dir

Event Stacking

We provided a sample sequence (slider_depth.zip) made from the rosbags of the Event Camera Dataset and Simulator. The rosbag (bag) is a file format in ROS (Robot Operating System) for storing ROS message data. You can make other sequences using the given matlab m-file (/e2sri/stacking/make_stacks.m). The matlab code depends on matlab_rosbag which is included in the stacking folder and needs to be unzipped.

Note: The output image quality relies on "events_per_stack" and "stack_shift". We used "events_per_stack"=5000, however we did not rely on "stack_shift" as we synchronized with APS frames instead. The APS synchronized stacking when this 5000 setting should be kept will be released with the training code together.


A list of publicly available event datasets for testing:

Related publications


MIT license.