

Zero-shot Natural Language Video Localization (ZSNLVL) by Pseudo-Supervised Video Localization (PSVL)

This repository is for Zero-shot Natural Language Video Localization. (ICCV 2021, Oral)

We first propose a novel task of zero-shot natural language video localization. The proposed task setup does not require any paired annotation cost for NLVL task but only requires easily available text corpora, off-the-shelf object detector, and a collection of videos to localize. To address the task, we propose a Pseudo-Supervised Video Localization method, called PSVL, that can generate pseudo-supervision for training an NLVL model. Benchmarked on two widely used NLVL datasets, the proposed method exhibits competitive performance and performs on par or outperforms the models trained with stronger supervision.

<img src="media/task-1.png" alt="task_nlvl" width="400" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; display: block;"/>


This repository is implemented base on PyTorch with Anaconda.</br> Refer to below instruction or use Docker (dcahn/psvl:latest). </br>

Get the code

git clone https://github.com/gistvision/PSVL.git
conda create --name PSVL --file requirements.txt
conda activate PSVL

Working environment


Dataset & Pretrained model

For ActivityNet-Captions, check Activinet-Captions section of this document.

Evaluating pre-trained models

If you want to evaluate the pre-trained model, you can use below command.

python inference.py --model CrossModalityTwostageAttention --config "YOUR CONFIG PATH" --pre_trained "YOUR MODEL PATH"

Training models from scratch

To train PSVL, run train.py with below command.

# Training from scratch
python train.py --model CrossModalityTwostageAttention --config "YOUR CONFIG PATH"
# Evaluation
python inference.py --model CrossModalityTwostageAttention --config "YOUR CONFIG PATH" --pre_trained "YOUR MODEL PATH"


Please download the file, unzip it, and type followings to train/inference with the data.

To train the model, please run:

python train.py --model CrossModalityTwostageAttention --config configs/anet_simple_model/simplemodel_anet_BS256_two-stage_attention.yml --dataset anet

To inference with test set, please run:

python inference.py --model CrossModalityTwostageAttention --config configs/anet_simple_model/simplemodel_anet_BS256_two-stage_attention.yml --pre_trained anet_pretrained_best.pth


MIT Lisence


If you use this code, please cite:

  title={Zero-shot Natural Language Video Localization},
  author={Nam, Jinwoo and Ahn, Daechul and Kang, Dongyeop and Ha, Seong Jong and Choi, Jonghyun},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},


If you have any questions, please send e-mail to me (skaws2012@gmail.com, daechulahn@gm.gist.ac.kr)