

Fitness Challenge

Pursuing your fitness goals is fun together with friends. Challenge your friends for daily activities and see who's leading. You can use any fitness trackers such as Apple Watch, Fitbit etc. Sync the tracker with Apple Health / Google Fit. The app reads daily activities from Apple Health / Google Fit.


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Fitness Challenge is built on Flutter and Appwrite. It uses AppWrite for:


<p float="left"> <img src="assets/screenshots/01-Welcome-Screen.png" height="400em"> <img src="assets/screenshots/01-Signup.png" height="400em"> <img src="assets/screenshots/02-Sign%20in%20page.png" height="400em"> <br> <p float="left"> <img src="assets/screenshots/03-See%20Challenges.png" height="400em"> <img src="assets/screenshots/04-See%20Leaderboard.png" height="400em"> <img src="assets/screenshots/05-Invite%20Friends%20to%20Challenge.png" height="400em"> <img src="assets/screenshots/10-Create%20new%20challenge.png" height="400em"> </p>

Getting Started

<string>We will sync your data with the Apple Health app to give you better insights</string>
<string>We will sync your data with the Apple Health app to give you better insights</string>

UI Design

Welcome, login & sign up pages are taken from this github repo.

What's next