


This package makes it possible to use Fujitsu BLAS in Julia, on Fugaku and other systems using Fujitsu A64FX CPUs, by leveraging libblastrampoline.


To install FujitsuBLAS.jl, activate the Pkg mode in the Julia REPL by typing the ] key and run

add https://github.com/giordano/FujitsuBLAS.jl

FujitsuBLAS.jl is available for Julia v1.7 and following releases.


When loading the package, make sure that the libraries provided by Fujitsu Development Studio are in a directory listed in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, because FujitsuBLAS.jl will try to use the first libraries called

that it will find in those directories.

After installation, you can start using Fujitsu BLAS for your operations in LinearAlgebra with

using FujitsuBLAS

That's it.


FujitsuBLAS.jl is released under the terms of the MIT "Expat" License. The original author is Mosè Giordano.