

PJON 13.1

PJON (Padded Jittering Operative Network) is an experimental, arduino-compatible, multi-master, multi-media, software-defined network protocol that can be easily cross-compiled on many microcontrollers and real-time operative systems like ATtiny, ATmega, SAMD, ESP8266, ESP32, STM32, Teensy, Raspberry Pi, Zephyr, Linux, Windows x86, Apple and Android. PJON operates on a wide range of media, data links and existing protocols like PJDL, PJDLR, PJDLS, Serial, RS485, USB, ASK/FSK, LoRa, UDP, TCP, MQTT and ESPNOW. For more information visit the documentation, the specification or the wiki.

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Academic studies

Researchers are active in many universities worldwide using PJON in different environments. The following list contains all the known published academic studies about PJON:


Feel free to send a pull request sharing something you have made that could help, if you want to support this project you can also try to solve an issue. Thanks to support, expertise, kindness and talent of the following contributors, the protocol's documentation, specification and implementation have been strongly tested, enhanced and verified:

Fred Larsen, Zbigniew Zasieczny, Matheus Garbelini, sticilface, Felix Barbalet, Oleh Halitskiy, fotosettore, fabpolli, Adrian Sławiński, Osman Selçuk Aktepe, Jorgen-VikingGod, drtrigon, Endre Karlson, Wilfried Klaas, budaics, ibantxo, gonnavis, maxidroms83, Evgeny Dontsov, zcattacz, Valerii Koval, Ivan Kravets, Esben Soeltoft, Alex Grishin, Andrew Grande, Michael Teeww, Paolo Paolucci, per1234, Santiago Castro, pacproduct, elusive-code, Emanuele Iannone, Christian Pointner, Fabian Gärtner, Mauro Mombelli, Remo Kallio, hyndruide, sigmaeo, filogranaf, Maximiliano Duarte, Viktor Szépe, Shachar Limor, Pantovich, Mauro Zancarlin, Franketto, jzobac, DanRoad, fcastrovilli, Andrei Volkau, maniekq, DetAtHome, Michael Branson, chestwood96, Mattze96, Steven Bense, Jack Anderson, callalilychen, Julio Aguirre, Cimex97, der-schne, porkyneal, der-schne and Rainer Schoenberger.

Compliant tools


All the software included in this project is experimental and it is distributed "AS IS" without any warranty, use it at your own risk. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Safety warning

When testing PJON, extreme care must be taken to avoid any danger. Consider that the implementation is experimental and may not behave as expected, use it at your own risk. When devices are connected to AC power you are exposed to a high chance of being electrocuted if hardware is not installed carefully and properly. If you are not experienced enough ask the support of a skilled technician and consider that many countries prohibit uncertified installations. When testing a SoftwareBitBang bus interference mitigation and protective circuitry guidelines must be followed. When experimenting with AnalogSampling setup safety glasses must be worn and transceivers must be operated cautiously to avoid potential eye injuries. Before testing OverSampling, ThroughSerial or ThroughLoRa radio communication, be sure the frequency, power and hardware used complies with local laws. When connecting a local bus to the internet all devices must be considered potentially compromised, manipulated or remotely actuated against your will. It should be considered a good practice not to connect to the internet systems that may create a damage (fire, flood, data-leak) if hacked.