Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) library for use with three.js
The OctreeCSG library is using the Octree data structure to store the geometry data for the CSG operations
<br />
All the code examples below can be tested live in
Table of Contents
- Usage
- Basic Operations
- Advanced Operations
- Array Operations
- Asynchronous Operations
- OctreeCSG Flags
- Examples
- Resources
OctreeCSG comes as a Javascript Module and can be imported with the following command:
import OctreeCSG from './OctreeCSG/OctreeCSG.js';
Basic Operations
OctreeCSG provides basic boolean operations (union, subtract and intersect) for ease of use. The basic operations expects the same type of parameters:
Parameter | Description |
mesh1 | First mesh |
mesh2 | Second mesh |
targetMaterial | (Optional) The material to use for the final mesh, can be a single material or an array of two materials. Default: A clone of the material of the first mesh |
Mesh Union (OctreeCSG.meshUnion)
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10);
const material1 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
const material2 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
const mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material1);
const mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry.clone(), material2);
mesh2.position.set(5, -5, 5);
const resultMesh = OctreeCSG.meshUnion(mesh1, mesh2);
Mesh Subtract (OctreeCSG.meshSubtract)
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10);
const material1 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
const material2 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
const mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material1);
const mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry.clone(), material2);
mesh2.position.set(5, -5, 5);
const resultMesh = OctreeCSG.meshSubtract(mesh1, mesh2);
Mesh Intersect (OctreeCSG.meshIntersect)
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10);
const material1 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
const material2 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
const mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material1);
const mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry.clone(), material2);
mesh2.position.set(5, -5, 5);
const resultMesh = OctreeCSG.meshIntersect(mesh1, mesh2);
Advanced Operations
Converts a three.js mesh to an Octree
Parameter | Description |
obj | three.js mesh |
objectIndex | (Optional) Used for specifying the geometry group index in the result mesh. Default: Input mesh's groups if there are any |
octree | (Optional) Target octree to use. Default: new Octree |
buildTargetOctree | (Optional) Specifies if to build the target Octree tree or return a flat Octree (true / flase). Default: true |
Converts an Octree to a three.js mesh
Parameter | Description |
octree | Octree object |
material | Material object or an array of materials to use for the new three.js mesh |
Merges two Octrees (octreeA and octreeB) to one Octree
Parameter | Description |
octreeA | First octree object |
octreeB | Second octree object |
buildTargetOctree | (Optional) Specifies if to build the target Octree tree or return a flat Octree (true / flase). Default: true |
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10);
const material1 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
const material2 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
const mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material1);
const mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry.clone(), material2);
mesh2.position.set(5, -5, 5);
const octreeA = OctreeCSG.fromMesh(mesh1);
const octreeB = OctreeCSG.fromMesh(mesh2);
const resultOctree = OctreeCSG.union(octreeA, octreeB);
const resultMesh = OctreeCSG.toMesh(resultOctree, mesh1.material.clone());
Subtracts octreeB from octreeA and returns the result Octree
Parameter | Description |
octreeA | First octree object |
octreeB | Second octree object |
buildTargetOctree | (Optional) Specifies if to build the target Octree tree or return a flat Octree (true / flase). Default: true |
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10);
const material1 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
const material2 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
const mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material1);
const mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry.clone(), material2);
mesh2.position.set(5, -5, 5);
const octreeA = OctreeCSG.fromMesh(mesh1);
const octreeB = OctreeCSG.fromMesh(mesh2);
const resultOctree = OctreeCSG.subtract(octreeA, octreeB);
const resultMesh = OctreeCSG.toMesh(resultOctree, mesh1.material.clone());
Returns the intersection of octreeA and octreeB
Parameter | Description |
octreeA | First octree object |
octreeB | Second octree object |
buildTargetOctree | (Optional) Specifies if to build the target Octree tree or return a flat Octree (true / flase). Default: true |
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10);
const material1 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
const material2 = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
const mesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material1);
const mesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(geometry.clone(), material2);
mesh2.position.set(5, -5, 5);
const octreeA = OctreeCSG.fromMesh(mesh1);
const octreeB = OctreeCSG.fromMesh(mesh2);
const resultOctree = OctreeCSG.intersect(octreeA, octreeB);
const resultMesh = OctreeCSG.toMesh(resultOctree, mesh1.material.clone());
CSG Hierarchy of Operations (syntax may change), provides a simple method to combine several CSG operations into one
Parameter | Description |
obj | Input object with the CSG hierarchy |
returnOctrees | (Optional) Specifies whether to return the Octrees as part of the result or not (true / false). Default: false |
Input object structure:
Key | Expected Value |
op | Type of operation to perform as string, options: union, subtract and intersect |
material | (Optional) Used only in the root level of the object, if a material is provided the returned object will be a three.js mesh instead of an Octree. Value can be a single material or an array of materials |
objA | First object, can be a three.js mesh, Octree or a sub-structure of the CSG operation |
objB | Second object, can be a three.js mesh, Octree or a sub-structure of the CSG operation |
let baseMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff });
let cubeGeometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 10, 10);
let sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(6.5, 64, 32);
let baseCylinderGeometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(3, 3, 20, 64);
let cubeMesh = new THREE.Mesh(cubeGeometry, baseMaterial.clone());
let sphereMesh = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, baseMaterial.clone());
let cylinderMesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(baseCylinderGeometry.clone(), baseMaterial.clone());
let cylinderMesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(baseCylinderGeometry.clone(), baseMaterial.clone());
let cylinderMesh3 = new THREE.Mesh(baseCylinderGeometry.clone(), baseMaterial.clone());
cylinderMesh2.rotation.set(0, 0, THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(90));
cylinderMesh3.rotation.set(THREE.MathUtils.degToRad(90), 0, 0);
let result = OctreeCSG.operation({
op: "subtract",
material: [cubeMesh.material, sphereMesh.material, cylinderMesh1.material, cylinderMesh2.material, cylinderMesh3.material],
objA: {
op: "intersect",
objA: cubeMesh,
objB: sphereMesh
objB: {
op: "union",
objA: {
op: "union",
objA: cylinderMesh1,
objB: cylinderMesh2,
objB: cylinderMesh3
Array Operations
OctreeCSG provides 3 methods to perform CSG operations on an array of meshes / octrees
Parameter | Description |
objArr | An array of meshes or octrees to perform the CSG operation on |
materialIndexMax | (Optional) Can be used to specify the maximum number of groups in the result Octree. Default: Infinity |
List of Methods:
- OctreeCSG.unionArray - Union operation on an array of meshes
- OctreeCSG.subtractArray - Subtract operation on an array of meshes
- OctreeCSG.intersectArray - Intersect operation on an array of meshes <br/>
Asynchronous Operations
OctreeCSG provides asynchronous CSG methods for all the advanced CSG operations.
List of Methods:
- OctreeCSG.async.union
- OctreeCSG.async.subtract
- OctreeCSG.async.intersect
- OctreeCSG.async.operation
- OctreeCSG.async.unionArray
- OctreeCSG.async.subtractArray
- OctreeCSG.async.intersectArray <br/>
OctreeCSG Flags
The following flags and variables control how OctreeCSG operates.
Flag / Variable | Default Value | Description |
OctreeCSG.useOctreeRay | true | Determines if to use OctreeCSG's ray intersection logic or use three.js's intersection logic (Raycaster.intersectObject). Options: true, false |
OctreeCSG.rayIntersectTriangleType | MollerTrumbore | Determines which ray-triangle intersection algorithm to use. three.js's ray-triangle intersection algorithm proved to be not accurate enough for CSG operations during testing so the Möller–Trumbore ray-triangle intersection algorithm was implemented. Options: MollerTrumbore, regular (uses three.js's Ray.intersectTriangle) |
OctreeCSG.useWindingNumber | false | Determines if to use the ray-triangle intersection algorithm or the Winding number algorithm. The Winding number alogirthm can be more accurate than the ray-triangle algorithm on some occasions at the cost of performance. Options: true, false |
OctreeCSG.maxLevel | 16 | Maximum number of sub-Octree levels in the tree |
OctreeCSG.polygonsPerTree | 100 | Minimum number of polygons (triangles) in a sub-Octree before a split is needed |
- CSG Operations on basic geometries
- Real-Time CSG - Demonstrating the use of async CSG operations (OctreeCSG.async.operation & OctreeCSG.async.unionArray) in real-time CSG
More examples coming soon. <br/>
- The Polygon, Vertex and Plane classes were adapted from THREE-CSGMesh
- The Winding number algorithm is based on this code
- The Möller–Trumbore ray-triangle intersection algorithm is based on this code
- The triangle-triangle intersection logic and algorithm is based on this code