

KATANA: Simple Post-Training Robustness Using Test Time Augmentations

This repo reproduces all the reuslts shown in our paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.08191 Steps:

  1. Run in the project dir: source ./init_project.sh

  2. Generate the 'test-val' and 'test' subsets (as explained in the paper) for each dataset, by running: python src/select_val_test_inds.py

  3. Train DNNs for cifar10, cifar100, svhn, and tiny_imagenet using src/train.py. For example, for CIFAR-10 run: python src/train.py --dataset cifar10 --net resnet34 --checkpoint_dir /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_00 --epochs 300 --patience 3 --cooldown 0 And for the TRADES adversarial training run: python src/train.py --dataset cifar10 --net resnet34 --checkpoint_dir /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/adv_robust_trades --epochs 300 --patience 3 --cooldown 0 --adv_trades True If you wish also to reproduce results for the ensemble, train 9 more networks in: /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_01 /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_02 /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_03 /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_04 /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_05 /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_06 /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_07 /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_08 /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_09 This repo assumes the above ordering for evaluation, for all the datasets.

  4. For attacking a network, use src/attack.py. For example, to attack CIFAR-10 with the FGSM^2 attack (defined in the paper), run: python src/attack.py --checkpoint_dir /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_00 --attack fgsm --attack_dir fgsm2 --eps 0.031 Attack both the regular DNNs and the adversarially trained DNNs for comparison. To attack using the adaptive PGD attack (A-PGD) run: python src/attack.py --checkpoint_dir /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_00 --attack whitebox_pgd --attack_dir whitebox_pgd --eps 0.031 --eps_step 0.007 --max_iter 10 --tta_size 25 To attack using the adaptive FGSM attack (A-FGSM) run: python src/attack.py --checkpoint_dir /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_00 --attack whitebox_pgd --attack_dir whitebox_fgsm --eps 0.031 --eps_step 0.031 --max_iter 1 --tta_size 256 Note that running a PGD with a single step is equivalent to FGSM.

  5. For evaluation use src/eval.py. For example, for calculating the robustness using TTA on the previously attacked FGSM^2, run: python src/eval.py --checkpoint_dir /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_00 --method tta --attack_dir fgsm2 The results will be written into the log file: /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_00/fgsm2/tta/log.log Note that for running with '--method random_forest' one must have in hand the TTAs for both the normal images and the attack images. For our CIFAR-10 example above, generate TTAs for the normal images: python src/eval.py --checkpoint_dir /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_00 --method tta --attack_dir '' And only after that run: python src/eval.py --checkpoint_dir /tmp/results/cifar10/resnet34/regular/resnet34_00 --method random_forest --attack_dir fgsm2

  6. For the transferability results (the 'global' and 'LOOCV' setups in the supp mat), run with '--all_attacks' flag. Also follow the instructions in src/eval.py (Line #132).