


Software Security project - Malware Detection Analysis A.A. 2019/2020.

Students: Giacomo Ferro (https://github.com/GiacomoFerro) & Marco Lucchese (https://github.com/marcolucc).

Profs: dott.ssa Mila Dalla Preda (http://profs.scienze.univr.it/~dallapre/)


  1. HID-payload = payload downloaded by Attiny85 HID device (this payload is a reverse tcp shell)
  2. literature = academic papers on the topic
  3. virus-rev-tcp = a rev-shell malware almost undetectable (score 4/70)
  4. virus-total-results = results of AV detections on encoded virus with a list of msfvenom encoders
  5. detection-table.pdf = a table with a complete summary on AV detection on encoded virus
  6. report-AV-analysis.pdf = report of the project