

SwarmCI - Build Your Code in the Swarm

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SwarmCI (super pre-alpha) is a CI extension, meaning, you can use it to extend your existing build system (jenkins, bamboo, teamcity, etc), with parallel, distributed, isolated build tasks by leveraging your Docker Swarm.

Demo Video



This project inspired me because of the problems I've faced with conventional CI platforms like Jenkins, Bamboo, Teamcity.

Problems with Local platforms (Bamboo, Teamcity and Jenkins, ...)

  1. Agents have no isolation from the build tasks, sometimes causing hard to reproduce issues involving subprocesses and limitations of the build agent.
  2. Agent VM/Containers need to be customized with differing capabilities (SDKs, versions, libraries, resources like cpu/mem, etc).
    • This requires either an Ops team to maintain the permutations of build capabilities, or
    • Requires each build to install it's dependencies at build time, resulting in longer build times
  3. Build <-> Agent binding (when your build needs specific things pre-installed), is wasteful as you must wait for an idle agent that meets the build requirements before the build will run.
  4. Builds often write files to disk, and spin up processes, which don't always get reliably cleaned up. These changes between builds can cause unexpected failures or false-successes.
  5. Adding parallelism to your build pipeline requires licensing and additional VMs per agent. Expensive!
  6. Build agents are often underutilized, either idle, or running builds with low system requirements.

Problems with Online Platforms (TravisCI, CircleCI, CodeShip, ...)

  1. Base images/os availability is limited. With SwarmCI, you can choose your base image, pre-loaded with whatever dependencies you need, meaning you'll have fewer setup/dependency steps and faster, simpler builds.
  2. Discovering the bottlenecks, throttling, or transient failures may be quite difficult.
  3. Cost can still be significantly reduced, as an example, by putting your Docker Swarm on AWS Spot Instances.

What it does

You can use SwarmCI to extend an existing CI system (Bamboo, TeamCity, Jenkins, etc) with a few steps.

  1. Setup a Docker Swarm.
  2. Converting existing build tasks, stages, and jobs to a single .swarmci file.
  3. Configure a single task in your build to run a single command to delegate work to your Docker Swarm:

python -m swarmci

Getting Started

Composing a .swarmci file

Build Layers

A .swarmci file consists of several layers.

Each job consists of several pieces of information:

Full Example:

  - name: my first stage
    - name: my_job
      image: python:alpine
        say_something: hello from
        - /bin/sh -c 'echo "$say_something $HOSTNAME"'
        - /bin/sh -c 'echo "second task within my_job in $HOSTNAME"'
      after_failure: /bin/echo "this runs if any script task fails"
      finally: /bin/echo "this runs regardless of the result of the script tasks"
    - name: another_job
      image: python:alpine
        - /bin/sh -c 'echo "another_job says hello from $HOSTNAME"'
  - name: my second stage
    - name: default_job_in_second_stage
      image: python:alpine
        - /bin/sh -c 'echo "look my, second stage job running in $HOSTNAME"'

<a name="job-matrix"></a>TODO: Job Matrix

When a job is converted to a job-matrix, you get all possible combinations of image and env variables. Here is an example job matrix that expands to 6 individual (3 * 2) jobs.

    - my-ci-python:2.7
    - my-ci-python:3.2
    - my-ci-python:3.5
    - db: mysql
      foo: v1
    - db: mysql
      foo: v2
  # note: all tasks will run for each expanded job instance


vagrant up
vagrant ssh manager

Running Tests

pip install tox

or using docker

docker build -t swarmci . 
docker build -f Dockerfile.test -t swarmci:test .        
docker run -it swarmci:test




Terms Explained

Stage - Stages are individual sequential steps. Stages provide a mechanism to break a build into multiple chunks of work such as compilation, testing, and deployment. When a Stage executes, all of the Jobs within that Stage begin executing in parallel, greatly reducing its execution time.

Job - Jobs are smaller, independent units of work, which can run in parallel. Each job runs in a separate container. Jobs in subsequent stages will not begin executing until all jobs in the previous stage have completed successfully. A single job failure will result in a failed stage (though it does not cause other jobs to stop running).

Command - Commands are literal commands run in a common container with the job in which they are defined, and they run in series. A single command failure (exit_code != 0) will halt a job and mark the job as a failure.