

User Agent iOS

User Agent is the internal name for the Ghostery iOS browser. A diferent name was chosen to highlight the new project, differentiate the project from the previous code bases, and to keep the option open to build multiple apps (e.g. Ghostery and Cliqz) out of the same codebase.


Building the Code

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:ghostery/user-agent-ios.git
  1. Setup ASDF for nodejs and ruby
brew install asdf
asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin add ruby
asdf install
  1. Run the bootstrap script to install dependencies
cd user-agent-ios
sh ./bootstrap.sh
  1. Open UserAgent.xcworkspace in Xcode.


Localization works as described in the Apple Documentation or this helpful tutorial. Strings files are included in the project and can be exported to and imported from Xliff files if necessary for translation by external translation agencies.

Strings files live in the Translations directory,

To test localization, you can edit your currently active scheme, and in "Options", set the "Application Language". Don't commit this change please.


Code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.

Contributor guidelines

General Guidelines

Creating a pull request

Swift style

