

<div align="center"> <img src="public/logo-192.png" width="128" height="128" alt="">


Follow your interests across social networks!



Subtle UI implementations

User name display

User name display

Boosts Carousel

Boosts Carousel

Thread number badge (e.g. Thread 1/X)

Thread number badge

Hashtag stuffing collapsing

Hashtag stuffing collapsing

Filtered posts


Prerequisites: Node.js 18+


This is a pure static web app. You can host it anywhere you want. Build it by running npm run build (after npm install) and serve the dist folder.

I personally use Vercel to host Agora.

Tech stack

Some of these may change in the future. The front-end world is ever-changing.

Alternative web clients

💁‍♂️ Notice to all other social media client developers

Please, please copy the UI ideas and experiments from this app. I think some of them are pretty good and it would be great if more apps have them.

If you're not a developer, please tell your favourite social media client developers about this app and ask them to copy the UI ideas and experiments.
