

Demo app for react-isomorphic-form

This is an example app using react-isomorphic-form with React Router. It demonstrates how react-isomorphic-form can render server-side and be enhanced client-side.

The client-side JavaScript is intentionally slow to load (it's recompiled on each request) in order to demonstrate the form's functionality while loading. You should be able to input data while the page is still loading, and the form should retain those values when JavaScript kicks in.<sup id="a1">1</sup>

<sup id="f1">1</sup> Due to an issue in React, this doesn't work for textareas.

Live demo

👉 http://react-isomorphic-form-demo.herokuapp.com/

The live demo might be slow to initially boot as it runs on a free Heroku Dyno which goes to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Running locally

npm install
npm start

It should now be running at http://localhost:8000.