


The NCLua library adds event handling and 2D graphics to Lua scripts. Programs written in C can use libnclua to run embedded NCLua scripts, i.e., Lua scripts that use the APIs exported by libnclua; Lua scripts can also use libnclua, either through the C API or by requiring the appropriated modules -- e.g., canvas for 2D graphics, event for general event handling, event.stopwatch for stopwatch timers, event.tcp_socket for asynchronous TCP sockets, event.http_soup for asynchronous HTTP requests, etc. The NCLua library comes with a standalone interpreter, called nclua (cf. src/nclua.c), which can be used to run NCLua scripts.

For stable releases and binaries, cf. http://www.telemidia.puc-rio.br/~gflima/nclua.

For the latest sources, cf. https://github.com/telemidia/nclua.

NCLua is the Lua dialect used by the Brazilian digital TV middleware, called Ginga (cf. http://www.ginga.org.br). The reference implementation of Ginga (>= 0.14) uses libnclua to run NCLua scripts.

Building the repository




GIO is used by the tcp event class, Libsoup is used by the http event class, and GTK+ is used by the nclua binary. These libraries are optional, if they are not present the corresponding modules are not built.


On Ubuntu-based distros, to install the dependencies run:

$ sudo apt-get install -y git gcc g++ autotools-dev dh-autoreconf \
    liblua5.2-dev libglib2.0-dev libpango1.0-dev \
    librsvg2-dev libgtk-3-dev libsoup2.4-dev -qq

To build with autotools run:

$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/
$ make

Canvas API

For a complete reference, cf. nclua/canvas.c.


Internal functions (for debugging):


For a complete reference, cf. nclua/dir.c.


Event API

For a complete reference, cf. User API section in nclua/event/init.lua.

Event classes:


Libnclua API (C code)

The libnclua API is used by C programs to run NCLua scripts.

Core functions (cf. lib/nclua.c):

Wrapper functions (cf. lib/ncluaw.c, Lua-free interface):

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