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discovery-swarm for webrtc

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/819446/64871056-d6a2d480-d61a-11e9-9d93-b79a5f0e822a.gif" alt="force-graph"> </p>

This module provides a "similar" API to discovery-swarm but for WebRTC connections.

It has a few differences to discovery-swarm:


$ npm install @geut/discovery-swarm-webrtc


<a name="server"></a>Server

You can run your own signal server by running:

$ discovery-swarm-webrtc --port=4000

Public Servers

Deploy to Heroku



const crypto = require('crypto')
const swarm = require('@geut/discovery-swarm-webrtc')

const sw = swarm({
  bootstrap: ['ws://localhost:4000']

const topic = crypto.createHash('sha256')


sw.on('connection', peer => {
  // connected


const sw = swarm(opts)

Creates a new Swarm.

opts include:

  id: crypto.randomBytes(32), // peer-id for user
  bootstrap: [string], // urls to your websocket endpoints
  stream: (info) => stream, // stream to replicate across peers
  simplePeer: {}, // options for the simplePeer instances,
  maxPeers: 5, // max connections by peer
  timeout: 15 * 1000, // defines the time to wait to establish a connection


Join a specific channel. We use behind it simple-signal + simple-peer.

const promise = sw.leave(Buffer)

Leave from specific channel. Destroy all the connections and leave the channel.

const promise = sw.close([callback])

Close the entire swarm. Destroy all the connections and disconnect from the signal.

const arrayOfPeers = sw.getPeers([channel])

Returns the list of connected peers for a specific channel.

Channel is optional, if you don't pass it you get the entire list of peers.

sw.connect(channel: Buffer, peerId: Buffer) -> Promise<SimplePeer>

Connect directly to a specific peer.


sw.on('handshaking', function(connection, info) { ... })

Emitted when you've connected to a peer and are now initializing the connection's session. Info is an object that contains information about the connection.

info include:

  id: Buffer // the remote peer's peer-id.
  channel: Buffer // the channel this connection was initiated on.
  initiator: Boolean // whether we initiated the connection or someone else did

sw.on('connection', function(connection, info) { ... })

Emitted when you have fully connected to another peer. Info is an object that contains info about the connection.

sw.on('connection-closed', function(connection, info) { ... })

Emitted when you've disconnected from a peer. Info is an object that contains info about the connection.

sw.on('leave', function(channel) { ... })

Emitted when you left a channel.

sw.on('close', function() { ... })

Emitted when the swarm was closed.

sw.on('candidates-updated', function(channel, candidates) { ... })

Emitted when the candidates peer for a specific channel was updated. candidates is an array of Buffer id.

<a name="issues"></a> Issues

:bug: If you found an issue we encourage you to report it on github. Please specify your OS and the actions to reproduce it.

<a name="contribute"></a> Contributing

:busts_in_silhouette: Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.

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