

<p align="center"> <a href="https://sentry.io/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=logo" target="_blank"> <picture> <source srcset="https://sentry-brand.storage.googleapis.com/sentry-logo-white.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" /> <source srcset="https://sentry-brand.storage.googleapis.com/sentry-logo-black.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light), (prefers-color-scheme: no-preference)" /> <img src="https://sentry-brand.storage.googleapis.com/sentry-logo-black.png" alt="Sentry" width="280"> </picture> </a> </p>

Bad software is everywhere, and we're tired of it. Sentry is on a mission to help developers write better software faster, so we can get back to enjoying technology. If you want to join us <kbd>Check out our open positions</kbd>

Sentry SDK for Java and Android

GH Workflow codecov Discord Chat

PackagesMaven CentralMinimum Android API Version
sentry-androidMaven Central19
sentry-android-coreMaven Central19
sentry-android-ndkMaven Central19
sentry-android-okhttpMaven Central21
sentry-android-timberMaven Central19
sentry-android-fragmentMaven Central19
sentry-android-navigationMaven Central19
sentry-android-sqliteMaven Central19
sentry-compose-androidMaven Central21
sentry-compose-desktopMaven Central
sentry-composeMaven Central
sentry-apache-http-client-5Maven Central
sentryMaven Central19
sentry-julMaven Central
sentry-jdbcMaven Central
sentry-apolloMaven Central19
sentry-apollo-3Maven Central19
sentry-kotlin-extensionsMaven Central19
sentry-servletMaven Central
sentry-servlet-jakartaMaven Central
sentry-spring-bootMaven Central
sentry-spring-boot-jakartaMaven Central
sentry-spring-boot-starterMaven Central
sentry-spring-boot-starter-jakartaMaven Central
sentry-springMaven Central
sentry-spring-jakartaMaven Central
sentry-logbackMaven Central
sentry-log4j2Maven Central
sentry-bomMaven Central
sentry-graphqlMaven Central
sentry-quartzMaven Central
sentry-openfeignMaven Central
sentry-opentelemetry-agentMaven Central
sentry-opentelemetry-agentcustomizationMaven Central
sentry-opentelemetry-coreMaven Central
sentry-okhttpMaven Central

Useful links and docs

Blog posts



This repository includes sentry-native as a git submodule. To build against sentry-native checked-out elsewhere in your file system, create a symlink sentry-android-ndk/sentry-native-local that points to your sentry-native directory. For example, if you had sentry-native checked-out in a sibling directory to this repo:

ln -s ../../sentry-native sentry-android-ndk/sentry-native-local

which will be picked up by gradle and used instead of the git submodule. This directory is also included in .gitignore not to be shown as pending changes.

Sentry Self Hosted Compatibility

Since version 3.0.0 of this SDK, Sentry version >= v20.6.0 is required. This only applies to self-hosted Sentry, if you are using sentry.io no action is needed.

Since version 6.0.0 of this SDK, Sentry version >= v21.9.0 is required or you have to manually disable sending client reports via the sendClientReports option. This only applies to self-hosted Sentry, if you are using sentry.io no action is needed.

Since version 7.0.0 of this SDK, Sentry version >= 22.12.0 is required to properly ingest transactions with unfinished spans. This only applies to self-hosted Sentry, if you are using sentry.io no action is needed.
