

<p align="center"> <a href="https://sentry.io/?utm_source=github&utm_medium=logo" target="_blank"> <picture> <source srcset="https://sentry-brand.storage.googleapis.com/sentry-logo-white.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" /> <source srcset="https://sentry-brand.storage.googleapis.com/sentry-logo-black.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light), (prefers-color-scheme: no-preference)" /> <img src="https://sentry-brand.storage.googleapis.com/sentry-logo-black.png" alt="Sentry" width="280"> </picture> </a> </p>

Bad software is everywhere, and we're tired of it. Sentry is on a mission to help developers write better software faster, so we can get back to enjoying technology. If you want to join us <kbd>Check out our open positions</kbd>

Sentry Documentation

Take a look at our Contributing to Docs documentation to get started.

Note: The documentation for this repository is self-hosted via src/docs/contributing/.

This is the Next.js version of our docs.