

We are in the process of unifying all our JavaScript based SDKs. Because of that, raven-node has been moved into the main Sentry JS SDK mono-repo and this repo has been archived.

Please report any issues and requests there, as this repo is read-only.

<p align="center"> <a href="https://sentry.io" target="_blank" align="center"> <img src="https://sentry-brand.storage.googleapis.com/sentry-logo-black.png" width="280"> </a> <br/> <h1>Raven-node - Sentry SDK for Node.js</h1> </p>

Build Status

raven-node supports only LTS versions of Node, therefore currently required release is >= v4.0.0. The last known working version for v0.10 and v0.12 is raven-node@2.1.2. Please use this version if you need to support those releases of Node.

To see up-to-date Node.js LTS Release Schedule, go to https://github.com/nodejs/LTS.
